Page 167 of Love You Wild

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I need to envision it before I jump into something like this. I’ve never used a toy with a boyfriend before. The question—asking Avery if he’s used toys with women before—is right on the tip of my tongue before I swallow it down. I don’t really want to know, and the man is incredibly experienced, so I likely already know the answer.

He plucks it from my hand and guides me gently down to the pillows. One finger traces the seam of my legs and they fall open for him. His thumb touches the hole in the toy. “This…is all for your pleasure. You’re going to hold it right here—” he fixes the hole overtop of my clit, “—while I fuck you right…” Avery’s finger slide through my folds—already wet, big surprise—and halts at my tight hole, pushing gently. “Here. With my fingers.” His smile is wicked. “You good with that?”

There? Oh. Oh no. I gulp. I scratch my throat. It feels itchy from the inside out. The desire to scream the word never! tingles on the tip of my tongue, but the logical—or highly illogical—part of my brain knows that I'd do anything this man asks of me.

But still, trying new things terrifies me. “I…I’m nervous, Avery. I don’t want it to hurt.”

“It’ll be fine, Claire.”

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. Actually, I don’t. The urge wins. “Oh, right. Fine. Because it’ll be fine is exactly what you wanna hear right before trying some kinky, new sex stuff with your boyfriend.”

Avery’s head lolls forward with a laugh. “It’ll be better than fine. Have I ever let you down?”

Hell no. I’m actually fairly certain my bones have partially dissolved over the last month. Every muscle feels weak after sex with Avery. Sometimes it takes me a day or two to walk properly again. So that’s why I grumble out a particularly growly no.

“We’ll take it nice and slow,” he promises, dropping to his elbows between my spread legs where he’s still holding the toy. “Easy.”

“What if it hurts?”

“It won’t hurt. You’re going to be overwhelmed by how good it feels.”

“How can you say that?”

He bites back his smile. “Trust me.”

“Avery, I—”

He turns on the toy.

“Oh, sweet holy hell!” I shriek, shooting forward. “Hoooly fuuuck.” I smack the toy out of his hand, clutching it tight to my chest before he can send me into overdrive. “What in the fuck is that?” And why does it feel like heaven? It feels like Avery’s sucking my clit and rubbing it all at once. “What is this sorcery?” Meant to say that one in my head.

Avery collapses onto his back, body shaking. I’m glad he finds this so humorous. “I told you. You’re going to be going wild over that while my fingers are stretching you out. It’ll help you take your mind off it.”

“What if I’m bad at it?”

“Bad at laying there while I finger-fuck you?” he questions with the quirk of one amused brow. God, he's got such a deliciously filthy mouth.

“I don’t know!” I throw my hands in the air and, consequently, the tiny, magical, sucking machine. It goes flying across the room, dropping to the floor. I shift my eyes back to Avery and choke out an anxious giggle. “Oops.”

Avery retrieves the toy and takes a seat beside me. Taking my face in his hands, he kisses me deeply. “I would never push you to do something you’re not comfortable with Claire. If you don’t want to do it, we won’t. It’s that simple. Okay, baby?”

Swallowing the nerves that make my throat tight, I nod.

The thing is, everything he does feels good. Avery lives to please me. He might take until I have nothing left to give, but goddammit, this man of mine is a giver too. He loves every inch of my body, and every inch of my body loves the sweep of his hands, the push of his hard fingers, the soft brush of his lips, the slow, wet trail of his tongue. He pushes me to my limits, yes, but he’s never given me more than I can handle.

“Avery?” My voice is quiet, hesitant. My fingers curl and fumble at my stomach. “Could we…could we try it?”

“Claire, we don’t have to—”

“No.” I cut him off with my hand on his, my head swinging back and forth. “I want to. It’s just…if I ask you to stop—”

“I’ll stop. No questions asked.” His eyes bounce back and forth between mine as he pulls his lower lip into his mouth, brow furrowed as if he’s searching for a hint of duplicity, something that tells him I’m not ready for this.

Nails biting into his shoulders, I push him down my body. “Just do it before I change my mind.”

He laughs against the inside of my thigh, sloppy, wet kisses painting my delicate skin, slowly driving me wild. His mouth covers my center, sucking me gently, before he sits up on his knees and turns on the toy. That little thing packs a vicious punch, judging by the sound it’s making and the two whole seconds it spent on my clit.

“It has seven settings,” he tells me. “Each one more powerful than the last.”
