Page 173 of Love You Wild

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My dad’s been doing so much better lately. We’ve been visiting him every other weekend and he’s so happy and lively. He loves hanging out with the boys, and I love having my little family together. I don’t want to bring everyone down. I think that’s why I just want to hold off until I know more. It might be nothing, after all.

Or it might be something.


“Hmm?” I lift my eyes to Avery’s. They're dragging over my face, his brows pinched.

“You kinda zoned out there. What’d the doctor say? How are you feeling?”

I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. “I’m okay. Just tired. The doctor’s just running a couple blood tests.” I wave a hand around to distract from the fact that I’m about to lie. “Could be low iron or something like that.”

“You’ve been working too much.”

“No I haven’t,” I argue, folding my arms over my chest. The moment he says that, my walls start going up. He’s brought it up a couple times recently. The truth is, I know he’s right. I occasionally stay late and work at the bar downstairs, though that isn’t my job, and I’ve even picked up a couple shifts there on the weekend. I need the money. Even though I’m hardly ever in it, I still have to pay for my apartment. With one income, it’s not easy. Even with the absence of my grocery bill, because Avery’s just taken to doubling his grocery haul every week.

He doesn’t want to pick a fight with me, I know, because he just takes my hands in his, sweeping his lips across my knuckles. “I’m just worried about you, that’s all. My heart hurts when you’re sick.”

My eyes soften at his admission, and I stroke the side of his face. “I’m sorry for getting upset. But I’m fine, okay? I promise.” I’m just praying with everything I have that those words don’t wind up a lie.

Avery heaves a quiet sigh before kissing my forehead. “Alright, sweetheart. You hungry?”

I grin up at him, head bobbing. Slipping off the couch and onto his lap, I throw my arms around his neck. “Chinese?”

“Well, it is Wednesday, so you know what that means…”

“Hump Day?” I wag my brows. Wednesday is always Chinese food, but I like to tease him.

Avery laughs, palm sliding over the curve of my neck as his tongue sweeps into my mouth. “I was gonna say Chinese night, but Hump Day works too.” He slips me onto the couch cushions, laying me down as he covers my body with his. “In fact, why don’t we do some humping before we get dinner.”

“And again after?”

“Mmm. And again after that.”

I sink my fingers into his silky waves. “I like the sound of that.” Pushing up on my elbows, I kiss his perfect, soft lips. “I love you.”

“I love you wild, baby.”

I hurry into Charlee’s office on Thursday morning, stumbling over my own two feet and crashing into her door.

She peers up at me from underneath the glasses she’s wearing, arching a brow. “You okay there, Clarice?” She pulls the glasses off her face and sets them down on her desk, letting that smirk slip up her face. “Or did Avery give you noodle legs again?”

My hands flail wildly in front of my face as I wheeze, gasping for breath. I absolutely ran here from my office, and I am not a runner. “The doctor’s office just called. They have my results.”

“Already? You just went yesterday.”

“I know.” I swallow down the bile rising in my throat. I’m so damn nervous. “It’s bad, right? It must be bad. They want me to come in today. It wouldn’t be so important if…if…oh, God.” I spin around, sinking down into Charlee’s couch, clutching the neckline of my dress. Tears prickle my eyes and my vision blurs.

Before I know it, Charlee’s arms come around me, holding me tight. “Deep breaths, Claire. It was just a few starter tests, right? They’re just going to tell you what they want to do next.”

I swipe at my wet cheeks, trying to agree with her. “I’m so scared, Charlee,” I whisper.

She sighs softly, smoothing her hand down my hair as she hugs me closer. “I know, babe. When are you going?”

“I’m leaving in thirty minutes. The appointment’s in an hour.”

“Don’t you guys have that big meeting with Avery and Wyatt today?”

Shit. Yes. I completely forgot in all of this. “I should be back in time for that. It’s not ’til after lunch. Will you…will you come with me, Charlee?”
