Page 199 of Love You Wild

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She smirks up at me. “Maybe. Can we go to bed?”

“Bed?” I slide my mouth across hers, then down her neck and across the expanse of her shoulder, yanking the collar of her tee to the side as I go. “It’s only 7:30.”

“I know. And I wanna spend the rest of the night in our bed. Naked,” she adds on a whisper, nipping my earlobe.

She had me at our bed, but I’ll take the naked part, too. In fact, I rip her clothes off and leave them right there on the couch before I toss her over my shoulder and cart her off to our bed.

She bounces with a yelp and a giggle when I drop her to the mattress, grinning up at me like a stunning, breathtaking fool while she watches me pull my clothes off, tripping over my shorts in all my eagerness to be naked, too.

“Come here,” I whisper once I make it to the bed, sinking my fingers into her luscious ginger waves, hauling her to me.

The second our lips meet, it’s explosive, just the way it always is, filled with unrelenting love and passion for the woman who owns my heart.

Claire pushes me back into the pillows and climbs on top of me, straddling my hips, her hot, wet mouth sliding down my neck until she pauses on my collarbone. “Our baby’s going to be so stubborn and hard-headed.”

“Just like you,” I manage, her teeth nipping at my skin. “What the hell have I gotten myself into?”

Her face lifts as she sinks down onto my cock, tugging on my hair, pulling my head back. Her grin is pure evil as she starts moving, hips rocking. Dropping her lips to my ear, the tip of her tongue flicks out to taste my skin. “The best time of your life.”

Fuck, she’s not wrong. Life has been anything but ordinary with Claire, yet I wouldn’t have it any other way. It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s always been worth it. Each day is better than the last, a promise for the future, for a life worth living to the fullest with her by my side.

“You are my life,” I tell her honestly. My eyes float down her body, settling on the softness of her tiny, eleven-week belly. I place my hand over our baby before sliding my arm around her back, cupping her cheek when I bring Claire into me, kissing her softy. “Everything I’ll ever need is right here in my arms.”

And then I wrench her off of me, flipping her over and yanking her up to her hands and knees, where I slam into her with reckless abandon.

Because that’s the way I love her, and the way I always will.





I let out a groan from where I’m sprawled out on the couch. Turkey’s got his tongue in my ear while Sully cleans my toes, and Chester’s dashing around the house chasing after a wayward feather that’s escaped from one of these giant pillows on the couch.

And I’m fucking starving.

Snapping a selfie of my pouting face with Turkey’s head on my shoulder, I send it to Avery with a quick message letting him know that mama’s hungry.

His response rolls in a minute later, with a picture of a greasy bag of Wendy’s in his front seat, and the world’s largest Frosty in the console.

Avery: Mama’s beautiful. On my way.

I swear I didn’t send him out for food. He happened to be going out with my brother, and as he walked out the door, I gently suggested that a Frosty sounded nice. He reminded me that there was leftover dinner in the fridge for lunch, but kissed my cheek and promised to pick me up something anyway. Just one of the many reasons I love him.

Wrapping a fuzzy blanket around my shoulders, I pick my tea up off the counter and slip out the patio door and into our backyard.

The pool is closed—we never got to use I this year, because we’ve only been here for a week. Avery considered cranking the heater up to ninety, but I just think October’s not really pool weather in Canada.

I smile as I take in the changing colors of the leaves, the candy apple reds, the rust oranges, the deep purples. It’s all stunning back here in our little oasis.

Avery found this house two days after I officially moved into his condo. It hadn’t even hit the market yet, but he bullied the realtor into an early showing. I say bullied, he says persuaded.

Still, I’m glad he did. It’s one of those times I hate to admit I love how relentless and unwavering he is. I love every inch of this place, and it’s only a ten-minute walk to his parents’ house. Jess has been over every day, naturally. Austin ambles over an hour or so later, apologizing for letting her escape from the asylum again.

I don’t mind, of course. Avery and his dad have been working on the baby’s room already. Casey’s building us a custom crib with a matching dresser. It’s coming together so quickly, regardless of the fact that we’ve been here only seven days and I’m not due ’til mid-March.
