Page 21 of Love You Wild

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An elbow jabs me hard in the ribs. “Stop fucking staring.”

I see that stupid smirk on Wyatt’s face, and my matching one slips up, because I can’t help it. He chuckles and shakes his head, his eyes flitting to Claire as he gives her the old once-over. And then twice-over. And then three times over.

I flick his ear. “Back off.”

“What? She turned you down.” His brows quirk with smug amusement. “Fair game.”

I give him a half playful growl, but my gaze slides back to Claire. Her arms are full. She’s balancing a cellphone, pencil case, notebook, binder, drink, and a muffin, all on top of a laptop. Everything wobbles when she takes a step. Her eyes go wide with fear, making the corner of my mouth lift. I have an urge to dart over there and help her.

But someone else gets there first.

“Here, Claire,” the sandy-haired man says to her, grinning down at her. He takes her drink and muffin off her laptop. “Let me help you with that.”

She beams up at him, setting the rest of her things down at the far end of the table, except for her pen, which she twirls between her fingers. “Thanks so much, Grant. You’re the best.”

“Only for you.” He winks at her. He fucking winks at her.

Wyatt leans in, his voice dropping low. “You’ve got competition.”

“Fuck off,” I mutter, shoving him with my shoulder.

Laughing, he wanders over to her, tapping her shoulder, making her spin. Her forehead creases for a moment like she’s trying to place him, but then she just shakes his hand, gives him a breathtaking smile, and tells him how nice it is to meet him.

“You’ve gotta meet my partner,” Wyatt tells her, placing a hand on her lower back as he ushers her my way. “I think you’ll really like him.”

It bothers me more than it should that Claire gets stopped every couple of steps for hugs that last too long, tugs on the tip of her ponytail. I resist the urge to go over there and slap all their hands away. I have no inclination to share, even if she’s still hesitant about sharing with me.

Her pen slips from her grasp and tumbles to the ground just a moment before our gazes should meet. “Whoops,” she breathes out with an airy giggle, bending to pick it up.

But I get there first.

She watches my fingers wrap around her black pen and her eyes travel slowly up my body, starting at my feet, as she follows the line of my body up, up, until our gazes finally lock. Her jaw unhinges with the broad grin I flash her, cheeks flooding with pink, and that’s the first time I notice the light smattering of freckles that dot down her nose and across her cheekbones.

“Hey there.” My voice is husky; I don’t mean it to be. But when I notice the way her chest starts rapidly rising and falling, when each exhale is raspier then the last, my dick stands at attention, urging me to keep going.

Claire opens her mouth. She closes her mouth. She opens it again. Looks like I’ve rendered her speechless. I’m feeling a bit smug and the irritation clouding her lovely features tells me it shows.

A heavy hand claps me on the back as Dex steps up to us. “Ah, Avery. I see you’ve met our Miss Thompson.”

Thompson. Claire Thompson.

Claire comes to life suddenly, planting a smile on her face. It’s huge and fake as hell. Her deep green eyes are throwing daggers at me.

“Claire Thompson,” she says when I slip my hand into hers. It’s tiny and warm and a whole lot clammy. She’s nervous. “Nice to meet you, Mr…?”

My grin grows until I’m sure my cheeks are going to split wide open. She’s gonna play this game, is she? “Beck. Avery Beck.”

“Right. Nice to meet you, Mr. Beck.” She tries to pull her hand back, but I’m holding on for dear life. Her gaze falls to the connection before lifting back up to mine, expression frantic like she’s terrified I’m going to set her skin ablaze.

When she gives her hand a good tug, I make the reluctant decision to let her go. It’s my second choice. My first is to toss her over my shoulder, cart her off to a closet, and fuck her brains out.

“Claire’s my second-in-command,” Dex tells me, seemingly oblivious to whatever the hell is going on between us. “I’m lucky to have her. She’ll be your number one contact if things proceed. I know she’ll be a great asset to you.”

Great asset. Yeah, that sounds about right.

“I have no doubt,” I murmur, not able to wipe that smirk off my face. “Well Claire, I look forward to working with you.” And fucking you. “I can’t wait for you to show me the ropes.” And your bedroom. “I’m sure we’ll make a great team.” I make you come; you scream my name. Partnership at its finest.

Claire’s nostrils flare, lips smashing together and cheeks blazing like she’s just read my mind. Kinda hope she has.
