Page 25 of Love You Wild

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“Is it going to be a problem? You two working together? I mean, you’ll be together a lot.”

Just perfect. “Nope,” I assure him. “Not a problem, man. Don’t worry.”

“Okay.” He looks like he’s not done. “I just…I mean, I hate to say it this way, but don’t be a dick, Avery.” I bark out a laugh but he shakes his head, pointing a threatening finger at me. “No, I’m not joking. She just got out of a relationship with a real piece of shit. I know Claire’s got a big attitude, but she’s sensitive. She also hasn’t had a particularly easy life these past six years or so. I’m just warning you—she’s not made for your world.”

“What do you mean?” I’m mildly hooked on what his definition of my world is, but mostly curious about what’s happened to her in the last six years.

“You know what I mean. Look, I know you’re up-front about your playboy lifestyle, girls know what they’re getting themselves into, all that bullshit, but that’s not Claire. She’s not a casual sex kinda girl. She’s the kinda girl you wanna marry. Don’t fuck around with her unless you have plans to actually get serious.”

I nod thoughtfully, chewing the inside of my cheek. I’m not a serious kinda guy. Dex hit the nail on the head with the playboy lifestyle comment.

Claire’s already made a point of telling me this several times. It doesn’t take a genius to take a look at her and know she’s the marrying kind. But I’m not the marrying kind. Maybe in a couple years, but who the hell knows. One day, I always assumed. When I’m ready.

“Note taken, though you act like I’m incapable of dating, my friend,” I say with a smile as I stand up, smoothing my hand down my tie.

He snorts. “I’m not sure if I’ve ever known you to have a girlfriend.”

“I’ve had…a few.”

“Right, and how long have they lasted?”

“The most recent one? Three weeks.” I couldn’t handle her level of crazy cling-on, and honestly, it wasn’t even recent. I’m actually not even sure I’d call her a girlfriend, but I did stop sleeping with anyone but her for those three weeks, so there’s that.

Laughing, Dex shakes his head. “Exactly.” He rounds his desk, gripping my hand. “Guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.”

“Sure will. I’ll touch base with you and Claire in a couple days and we’ll get started right away. How’s that sound?”

“Perfect, Beck. Perfect. Hey, I appreciate it. Again, man. Can’t tell you enough.” He pauses at his door, his fingers drumming against the frame. “Please remember what I said. Be careful…with Claire. She means a lot to me.”

“Gotcha.” I lift two fingers to my forehead in mock salute. Then I smile genuinely. “Nah, it’s all good, man. I’ll be careful.”

But then I catch sight of Claire, bent over the secretary’s desk. She stands up, shakes her ponytail down her back, throws her head back in laughter, and locks eyes with me.

Those green eyes pop and her smile melts right off her face before she turns on her heel, darting down the hallway much faster than I would have ever dreamed possible for those little legs of hers.

And just like that, all my good intentions fly right out the window.




I’ve never been more annoyed at the length of my legs in my entire life. I’m cursing them every step of the way as I dash down the hallway like the time my brother stole the tarantula out of the science lab and chased me through the entire high school.

I throw one last glance over my shoulder to see Avery fucking Beck absolutely devouring the distance between us with his mile-long legs and that unquestionably infuriating, self-righteous smirk glued to his stupidly sexy face.

Nope, not happening. Not today, Satan.

Flinging myself through the door, I stumble into my office, spinning wildly to slam the door before Avery—see sexy Satan—can trap me inside.

Except that an arm shoots out and shoves the door open, sending me flying backwards, because obviously that’s how this day is gonna go.

Avery steps into my office, shutting the door behind him. He flips the lock, sending my heart into overdrive. “Shit, Claire, almost thought you had me beat there for a second.” He wipes nonexistent sweat off his dark brow and grins at me.

I want to shove my tongue down his throat. Fuck.

My arm is way too shaky when I point at the door. “Out! Get out!”
