Page 39 of Love You Wild

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It all happens at once. I reach for her face and she lunges at me, jumping into my arms. The second our lips collide it’s like a mad dash to the finish line. Her tongue shoves past my lips and her fingers slide through my hair, tugging, grasping for dear life.

I slam her against the wall and she gasps when my hips press into hers. She wiggles against me and her legs tighten around my waist, the heels of her bare feet digging into my ass.

“Ready to admit you want me?”

“Never,” she rasps, nipping my lip.

“Are we biting again?” I grab a fistful of her hair and jerk her head to the side, clamping my mouth over her neck, teeth pressing into warm skin. She groans, nails digging into my shoulders.

“Asshole,” she puffs out.

“You bring out this side of me, baby.”

I flick my tongue over the red spot and drag my lips down her neck, kissing, licking, sucking. Claire tips her head backwards and it lands against the brick wall. I slip my hand behind her, cupping the back of her head to keep it protected, and then continue my assault.

“Shit, Claire, you feel so fucking good,” I tell her, rolling my hips. She moans and bucks beneath me. “You gonna let me fuck you?” I’m ninety-nine percent sure I already know the answer.

“No,” she says on a heavy exhale.

I drop her to the ground and flip her around, slapping her hands against the wall. “’Kay. I’m good with hands only.” I drop my voice an octave and brush my lips below her ear. “Unless you wanna feel my tongue, too.”

Her answer is a shuddering groan and her head drops back, rolling over my shoulder. She looks up at me with the roundest eyes and I grip her jaw, kissing her fiercely, my tongue plunging, taking. My other hand slips up her shirt, rubbing over her belly, feeling the jewel that’s nestled into her navel.

When her ass grinds against my growing erection, my fingers find the button of her jeans, tugging it free and yanking on her zipper. The second my hand slips down the front of her jeans and I find her soaked, hot and ready for me, she gasps.

“No! Shit! No, no, no.” She pulls my hand out and spins away from me, slipping under my arms. She stares at me and then down at her opened pants like she doesn’t know how that happened.

“What’s wrong?” I take a step toward her, wiping my wet mouth on my arm, chest heaving.

She holds up a shaky hand, stopping me. “Stop, please. I can’t do this. I shouldn’t do this.”

“Do you not want to?” Shit, I’m so confused. The sexual tension between us is so palpable I could cut that shit with a knife.

“I do want to. That’s the problem.” She does up her pants and scrambles to pick up the papers scattered over the coffee table. “I gotta go. Sorry, Avery.”

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Reaching for her hips, I frown when she spins away from me. “Did I do something?” I’m pretty sure that kiss was both of us.

“No, I’m sorry. You didn’t do anything. I just…I told you. I’m not good at casual.”

“Right, so let’s go get something to eat.”

“Eating before fucking doesn’t make it not casual.”

“Let’s go on a date, Claire,” I clarify, for her sake or mine, I’m not really sure, because I have no idea what I’m doing right now. A date? Like a real date? The look on her face tells me she’s just as shocked and confused as I am.

She snaps out of her momentary fog and shakes her head. “I gotta go home.”

I sigh, because I know we aren’t going to get anywhere tonight, and I don’t mean sexually. She’s not going to talk to me about this. I pull out my phone and text my driver while Claire goes back to frantically gathering her paperwork. She promptly drops it all over the floor.

“Shit.” She falls to her knees and starts reaching for it, but her hands shake chaotically.

I crouch down beside her. “Will you relax? My driver will be here in ten minutes, okay? I’ll take you home. Let me get this stuff.”

She doesn’t look at me. “That’s not necessary. I can get an Uber.”

“You could, but I’ve kept you here all night, and I have a car coming to get me anyway.”

“But I—”
