Page 40 of Love You Wild

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“Claire.” My tone is unyielding, and she finally meets my gaze. “Just accept the damn ride.” I rip the papers out of her clutch and grab a bottle of sparkling water off the coffee table, shoving it into her hands. “Go sit on the couch and drink some water.”

She blinks up at a me several times before she slumps down to the floor, resting her back on the couch. She twists the top off the bottle and sips it. “I’m sorry, Avery,” she murmurs before rubbing her eyes.

“It’s all good.”

I think about her ex while I gather up the papers, clipping them back into her binder. Everything is color-coded, but I already knew that. I like that. But I don’t like what he did to her.

I’m not mad that I’m not getting laid, that I’m not even getting any. I’m mad that he fucked with her brain enough that she can’t allow herself to let loose, give herself permission to feel pleasure, and that she’s so closed off to the idea of spending time with someone she obviously has a shit-ton of chemistry with.

Because we do. It’s good chemistry. It’s hot and it’s passionate. But more, it’s fun. She makes me laugh and I actually enjoy being with her. Despite the way she’s acting right now, like I set her fucking pants on fire or something, I think she likes being with me too.

I gather my bag and Claire’s, slinging them both over my shoulder, and hold my hand out to her. She takes it timidly, and I shut the lights off as we make our way to the elevator.

“Night, Mr. Beck,” the security guard downstairs says with a nod as he holds the door open for us. He smiles at Claire and tips his head. “Miss.”

“Have a good weekend, Kirk,” I say while Claire offers him a genuine, albeit shaky, smile.

My driver steps out of the car and I wave him off, opening the door for Claire and ushering her inside. I slide in beside her. “Where do you live, Claire?”

“Eighty-nine Church Street,” she tells me quietly.

My body stills before it starts vibrating. I bite down on my lip. No fucking shit.

Claire narrows her eyes. I give up on trying to hold back my laughter. She pins her arms across her chest. “Why are you laughing?”

I shake my head and clap her knee, taking a deep breath and getting a handle on myself. “No reason.” You’ll see.

The streets are busy after the baseball game, so it takes us nearly twenty minutes to drive home. We could have walked in as much time and enjoyed the warm night air. When we pull up out front of the condo, I hold my hand out for Claire to take as she climbs out.

“Thank you for the ride, Avery.” She gives me one last lingering look before turning and starting for the door.

“No problem at all.” I tap on the passenger window and wait for it to roll down. “Night, Jacob. Enjoy your weekend.” His response is a wink and a grin.

I follow Claire through the front doors and nod at the concierge when he lets us both in.

Claire turns around when she realizes I’m still with her. “What are you doing?”

I smile at her and stop in front of the bank of elevators. Pressing the call button, I watch the floor numbers above light up as one moves down to us.

“Avery,” she seethes, voice dangerously low. “I told you, I’m not fucking you.” Her eyes shift nervously around, as if she’s worried somebody in the very empty lobby might hear her.

“I’m aware, Claire. You’ve said it a few times now.”

“Well then what are you doing? Isn’t this a little presumptuous of you? I don’t want to hook up. I don’t—”

“Do casual, I know. Do you think I’ve forgotten?” It’s only been plaguing my dreams for the last week.

“I…well…no. I’m just…confused.” She stares at the elevator when the doors open and then slices her gaze back to me. She plants two irritated fists on hips I want to grab. “Seriously, what are you doing?”

“Going upstairs.” With a gentle hand on her back, I guide her through the doors and follow her in. “Floor?”

“Avery!” She stomps her foot for the second time tonight, like a toddler having a temper tantrum. I wonder if I’m the only person who gets her this worked up.

I can’t hold it in anymore. My head dips, my body trembling with laughter.

“Why are you laughing?” she demands. “What is happening?” She presses a floor button and turns back to me. “You’re pissing me off!” She reaches forward and shoves me.

My fingers close over her wrists and I pull her into me. “Oh, sweet, beautiful Claire. I live here.”
