Page 65 of Love You Wild

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She’s the one that asked the question, but as soon as the words leave my mouth, I know she didn’t really want the answer. It should tell her how different she is to me, but instead it just makes me sound like a self-righteous ass and a manwhore. Which I kinda am, I guess. A manwhore. Or at least was, up until two weeks ago.

So I say, “I’ll keep trying and keep waiting, as long as it takes.”

I’m not sure that’s the right thing to say either, because she won’t look at me, and her mouth is set in a pretty damn tight line.

Shit, what’s wrong with me tonight? I’m off my game. I need to get her alone.

On a whim, I grab her hand and tug her over to the stairs, towing her along behind me. We pass the second floor, and if possible, it’s even rowdier than the first. But the third floor is quiet and dark, almost eerie.

I usher her into her office and close the door behind us. The room is lit from the soft glow of the patio lights outside and the floor lamp in one corner.

“Avery,” Claire whispers, hands fumbling in front of her as she takes a step away from me. “I don’t…I can’t…” Her eyes squeeze shut. She’s so nervous, and it tugs at my heartstrings. “I really can’t do this. I’m not…I’m not ready.”

“I know, Claire.” I can see it, her uncertainty, the way she fights with the thoughts in her head. She’s not ready to jump back in like that, to take that step and it’s okay. “I just wanna kiss you. Can I kiss you?”

I take a step forward and she takes another one back.

“But you want…you want more.” Her bright eyes bounce between mine. “I can’t give you what you want, not right now. And I don’t want to seem…” She drops her gaze to the floor, gripping her arm with her opposite hand. “Selfish.”

“If anyone’s selfish, it’s me. Because I’ll take whatever piece of you you’re willing to give.” I hook my finger at her. “Come here and let me kiss you, Claire. You’re exquisite and I can’t go a minute longer without tasting you.”

She swallows. “Just a…just a kiss?”

“More than one, but yes, just kissing.”

She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth as she considers me, considers this, and I think tonight is the first time I’ve really grasped the severity of what her ex has done to her, the way he’s made her second-guess herself. I’m actually considering that she might say no, that maybe I should…back off.

But then she steps forward, tentatively, and I meet her in the middle, sweeping her into my arms. I waste no time, because I never know when the next time I’ll get to kiss her will be, and I devour her mouth with mine.

Her slender fingers cup the back of my head while mine skim across her jaw and sink into her hair. I don’t think I’ll every grow tired of kissing her, but this one is different from all the other times, soft and slow, heated and patient as I take my time exploring her. I love the way she feels in my arms, the way she melts and molds against me, the soft sigh she breathes into my mouth as she gives in to whatever the hell is brewing between us.

Pulling away, I rest my forehead against hers. Our heavy breath mingles, brushing over our swollen lips. Her curious gaze searches mine, that little crease wrinkling her forehead. I know her brain is working in overdrive right now, trying to figure out what’s going on between us, just like I am.

“You really are the most magnificent woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” I brush my lips across hers in a soft kiss. “And I have to tell you, you make me laugh in the most infuriating way, more than any woman ever has.”

Her face explodes with that cheek-splitting, dimple-donning beam of hers that I love, the one that makes me want to drop to my knees and worship her. Her lips part but close quickly when the door opens behind us.

“Oh. Sorry guys. I was just making sure you were okay, Claire. Couldn’t find ya.”

Regardless of the easy smile Casey gives us from where he stands in the doorway, Claire steps away from me, putting distance between us that I don’t want.

It takes no time for things to get awkward, Casey swinging his arms out in front of him, fist clapping into his palm, head bobbing. “And you’re clearly fine, so, I’m gonna get going.” He thumbs toward the door and starts moving, but stops, glancing back at us over his shoulder. “I like you two together. I can tell how much you like each other, which is saying a lot, ’cause you never smiled this much with…well, ya know.” He taps on the doorframe and disappears.

I hate the way Claire stares down at her feet, and even more so the way she pushes my hands away when I reach for her. “I have to get back,” she says quietly, slipping by me.

“Hey,” I urge softly, spinning so my eyes can track her movement. “Is everything okay?”

She stops in the doorway, gripping the frame with her dainty hand. “I just don’t like that it looks like…I don’t know. I feel like we’re leading people on. My brother likes you. My niece likes you. Everyone likes you.”

My hand comes up, rubbing at the back of my neck. “Isn’t that a good thing?”

“They think there’s something going on between us,” she says in a tiny voice.

Stepping up to her, I drink in the woman before me, so lost that she can’t recognize how amazing she is. “Isn’t there?”

“I’m not sure what’s happening, Avery. But I have to go. Okay?”

She doesn’t give me a chance to respond, simply turns and heads down the hallway, her heels clicking on the stairs as she makes her way down to the party. I follow a minute later, feeling more confused than ever.
