Page 8 of Love You Wild

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Hell yes I am, but I don’t know how to have fun like this. I don’t know how to do this without emotions. I’ve never had a one-night stand before.

He must sense my apprehension because his traveling hands still. “Do you want me to stop?”

I should, I think. I’m so confused. Whatever’s inside my head is just swirling around. But no is the answer that leaves my mouth,

He winds my hair around one fist and tosses it over my shoulder. His lips press to the back of my neck and I tip my head backwards at the feel of his mouth on me. I want it everywhere and my stomach tingles with anticipation.

“Come with me,” he whispers, fingers tangling with mine.

My heart jumps to my throat. “What? Where? I-I…I can’t.”

His lips press to the spot beneath my ear that makes me want to drop my panties right here, right now. “You can.”

Heat pools in my cheeks when he kisses me there, and then walks away, just like that.

Halfway across the dancefloor, he stops, glancing back at me. He smirks and cocks his head, and I hear the unspoken question: Are you coming?

My gaze darts nervously around the dancefloor, my stomach doing gymnastic moves I don’t know the names of and most definitely could never do even if my life depended on it.

But then, hesitantly, as if I’m walking along the edge of a mountainous cliff, I take one step. And then another. And one more. When I’m close enough, his smile explodes off his face and he reaches for my hand. My skin ignites when his fingers lace through mine.

He drags me across the dancefloor and out the patio door, into the cool, late spring night.

The patio is empty aside from a couple smoking on one end, and—hell, I don’t even know his name—this man leads me around the corner of the building. It’s dark and quiet, only the soft glow of the twinkling lights on the railing lighting the small space.

He presses me up against the wall and closes in on me, his chest rising and falling, his breath hot and heavy as it washes over me.

I don’t know what I want.

No, that’s not true. I know what I want. I want this man. This man I don’t even know, not even his name.

But I can’t. I can’t do this, can I?

I’m not ready for this. This isn’t me. Casual? One-night stands? I don’t do this. I don’t know how. Even if I accept this for what it is, for what it could be, I’ll still want to see him again. And obviously he won’t. I mean, what kind of man just walks up to a woman and five minutes later has her flat against a wall, alone in the dark?

A man who knows what he’s doing. A man who does this all the time. A man who’s not interested in more. Not the man for me. I’m not built for casual, for meaningless. I feel too much, too deeply.

“Stop thinking so much,” he growls, his fingers wrapping around my hips. “I can see it all over your face. You’re terrified.” The laugh lines in his cheeks and around his eyes disappear, and he backs up a half step. “Are you scared of me?”

Yes. “No.” This feels like the kind of thing that winds up getting my face splashed on a milk carton. But that’s not what’s really scaring me. “I’m scared of…this.” I gesture between the two of us, trying to control my rapid breath.

“How do you mean?” He reaches forward and brushes my hair off my neck, tucking it behind my ear.

“I don’t do this,” I tell him honestly. “I don’t hook up with people I just met. I don’t know you.” But God, I want to.

I don’t know how it happens, but my hands reach out and my fingers curl around the collar of his shirt. I tug him into me and he comes willingly, his body flush against mine. His hands run a blazing path up and down my sides until his fingers settle on the hem of my dress, dusting along my thighs. His face dips, the tip of his nose tracing along mine.

“You’re fucking gorgeous. But I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to.” He pulls back and grins, all cheeky and arrogant. “Even though I really fucking want to.”

I’m so distracted by that damn chiseled jaw, the tiny dimple in his chin, the laugh lines in his hollow cheeks. It’s infuriating how sexy this man is.

“How often do you do this?”

“Do what?” He looks like he wants to devour me, and I kinda wanna let him.

“This. This thing we’re doing right now.”

The corner of his mouth pulls up and his eyes squint as he studies my face, likely weighing the benefits of honesty vs little white lies. “A bit.”
