Page 85 of Love You Wild

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Then there are the pictures of her parents. Her mom is her twin, just as Vivi is. That long, wavy mess of auburn, those piercing, bright green eyes. She’s even got her dimply smile. The shelves overflow with photos of the woman I’ll never meet, but the one that makes my heart ache is of her in the hospital, head wrapped in a scarf, eyes sunken in. She looks exhausted but, my God, nothing can wipe the smile off that woman’s face when she’s got her kids flanking either side of her bed, Casey’s lips pressed to her head, Claire’s cheek resting on her shoulder.


I spin at the wild cry, finding Vivi tearing down the hallway, arms in the air, wrapped up in footie pajamas, her damp hair combed back. Bending, I catch her in my arms, hugging her tight as I lift her in the air. She smells so good, so fresh, and I cuddle her harder, burying my face in her hair.

Vivi touches her finger to a photo of Claire’s mom. I remember that Claire said she died six years ago, so I know that Vivi’s never met her, but she still says, “That’s Gamma.” She points to the ceiling. “She in heaben and she bootiful like me.”

I kiss her nose. “You are so right, darling.”

She squeezes my cheeks with her chubby little hands. “We hab pizza?”

I lean my forehead against hers and whisper, “Uh huh. And guess what else?”

“What?” she whispers back, wide eyes darting between mine.

“Ice cream sundaes.”

Her sweet face lights up with a gasp. Then she screams in my face. “Auntie Claire! We hab i-cweam!”

Claire walks into the room, laughing. “Ice cream? Oh my goodness, you’re being spoiled, you lucky little girl!” She gives Vivi a quick tickle.

“I show A’wy Gamma in heaben,” Vivi says, thumbing proudly at her chest.

Claire’s eyes flicker, gaze settling on the picture of her mom in the hospital bed. She clears her throat, looking between us. “And did you tell Avery that you’re named after Grandma?”

I widen my eyes and gasp theatrically, because kids like that kind of shit. “You are?”

She grins and nods, dimples popping. “Bibian.”

Claire giggles and tucks a loose tress behind Vivi’s ear before kissing her tenderly on the forehead. Her lips linger there, eyes fluttering closed. “Vivian. Just like Grandma.” She turns to me and smiles after a quick pump of her chest. “Thank you for bringing everything. I feel badly.”

Vivi slides down my body and runs over to Sully. The two of them drop to the floor and start rolling around. They’re adorable together.

“Why do you feel bad?” I ask as Claire follows me around the island, watching me empty the ingredients onto the counter.

“Because.” She gives me a sheepish smile, fiddling with the messy bun on top of her head. Pink tints her cheeks. “You paid for everything today, and now you’re bringing over your groceries and making us dinner.”

“So? I don’t mind.”

“I know, but…” She doesn’t finish her thought. Her palm presses into the counter while she crosses one ankle over the other. She pinches her bottom lip, eyes on nothing in particular.

I pull her hand off her mouth. There’s no reason for her to be embarrassed. I don’t often throw my money around, but a cheap diner breakfast, food from the market, passes to the zoo, and ingredients to make pizza literally don’t make a dent in my wallet, whereas it probably would to her. Though she’d probably never say it or complain, because she likes to have these special days with Vivi, I can tell that much.

“I’m not concerned about the money and I like to do it. Don’t worry about it, please.”

Her eyes lift to mine. “Okay. Thank you.”

I’m actually surprised she can afford this place. It’s one of the smaller units, but this city is ridiculously expensive on a normal day. Toss in a newer, high-end condo smack dab in the middle of the action in downtown Toronto, and shit, it’s not even close to affordable unless you’re making six figures, or damn well close to it. I know Dex pays Claire well, but…not that well.

“Weekends with Vivi take their toll financially,” Claire admits quietly. “I know I don’t have to do all this stuff, the breakfasts out, the zoo, and Casey always tries to pay me for babysitting, but…” She shrugs. “I like to, and I don’t like to ask for help.” She peeks up at me, her expression stuck somewhere between timid and grateful. “You helped me out, but that wasn’t my plan when I invited you today. I don’t want…I don’t want you to think I’m using—”

I cut her off before she can even finish that sentence, because that thought has never once crossed my mind. With other girls? Yes. In fact, almost every single girl I meet. But Claire and I had already had many…physical encounters before she discovered I was rich. She was quite literally shocked speechless when she found out I lived in one of the penthouses. But even so, I suspect she still doesn’t fully understand how financially blessed I actually am.

“I don’t think that, Claire, and I never would. First of all, you didn’t invite me today—I invited myself. I mean, for fuck’s sake, you tried to run in the opposite direction, or have you already forgotten?”

A soft giggle puffs from her mouth as she runs the tip of one fingernail over her plump bottom lip. “I did no such thing.”

I arch a brow and grip her elbows, tugging her into me until our noses touch. “You did, actually. It’s a good thing I do whatever the fuck I want.”
