Page 87 of Love You Wild

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I mean, I haven’t given up on fucking her. As soon as she gives me the go-ahead, I’ll be inside of her in two seconds flat.

Still, I record Vivi’s dance and send it off to Casey, telling him how fantastic his daughter is. He responds almost instantly with a text and a picture of him and his dad, cigars in their mouths and beers in their hands. I’m a little jealous.

Casey: Shit dude, looks like you got stuck with babysitting duty. Would have been better off with us.

Me: Hahaha. Looks fun. Next time.

Casey: Definitely. Who’s driving you crazier, my sister or my daughter?

I topple to my side on the couch when Claire practically crawls onto my lap, pushing on my shoulder to read my messages. I hold the phone away from her and cock an amused brow. “Excuse you.”

“Stop texting my brother!” She swipes for my phone and I grab her wrist, holding her hand above her head as I fire off another text message, one she can see clear as day.

Me: Your sister. Always your sister.

“You ass!” She knocks me backwards and climbs on top of me, grabbing at my phone.

Leaning backwards over the couch with my arms above my head so I can keep texting, I enjoy the way Claire squirms all over me. It’s doing a lot of things to my body, naughty things that should never happen in the presence of a toddler.

“Don’t swear,” I mock. “Your niece is right there.”

“She can’t hear,” she seethes. It’s true. Vivi’s so wrapped up in her dance, screaming her lungs off to the music.

Casey: My dad says if you can handle Claire, you’d be a worthwhile reason for him to come to Toronto for a visit.

I flash my screen at Claire. “Your dad wants to meet me.”

“Urgh!” She presses her chest to mine, wriggling all over me while she reaches for my phone. My dick jumps in my pants. He wants to play, and I can’t say I blame him.

Laughing, I flip her over, pinning her beneath me on the couch. “Gotcha.”

Claire’s ankles hook behind my knees, her eyes hooding as her tongue peeks out, dragging across her lower lip.

“You want me to kiss you right now,” I murmur.

Her eyes move between mine. “Yes.”

“Say it,” I order softly. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want…I want you to kiss me, Avery.”

Well, I’m sure as hell not gonna turn down that opportunity. I bend my neck, the tip of my nose grazing against hers, our mouths just barely brushing. Her lips part on a raspy exhale that makes me smile, makes my chest roar with need. I slant my mouth over hers and—

The timer on the oven goes off. Fucking timer. Fucking pizzas.

“Pizza!” Vivi shrieks. She runs over to us, grabbing my arm, giving it a violent shake. “Pizza time! Pizza time! I luh pizza time!” She rubs her belly with her little hands while she sings her pizza song and then pretends to bite at the air, making munching noises.

The spunk that lives in this one has me wanting to be damn daddy one day sooner rather than later, and I realize I’m well on my way to certifiably insane.

Vivi and Claire both hum happily while they eat their pizza, and by the time we’re done with ice cream sundaes, Vivi looks like she needs another bath. She’s covered in strawberry ice cream and chocolate sauce, a couple rainbow sprinkles glued to her sticky chin. Claire takes her to the bathroom to clean her off and quietly warns me that Vivi will probably ask me to stay and watch Frozen with them. She tells me she’s giving me a heads up in case I need some time to think of an excuse to get out of it.

Vivi shuffles down the hallway with her dog stuffie and a blanket tucked under one arm, her thumb in her mouth. “You watch Fwozen wif us, A’wy?”

“I would love to,” I tell her honestly, scooping her up in my arms. I don’t miss the hint of a smile that plays on Claire’s lips when she realizes I’m not leaving. I also sure as shit don’t miss that she’s changed into pajamas—tiny little shorts and the same baggy concert tee from the spider incident. She looks ridiculously and effortlessly sexy, her face scrubbed fresh, cheeks pink and freckly from our day in the sun.

I settle on one end of the couch with Vivi in my lap, and when Claire curls up on the opposite end, Vivi holds her hand out and gestures to her.

“Over here,” she tells Claire. “Sit wif us.”
