Page 10 of Beast

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Beast pulled out his phone and texted Talon, telling his packmate what was going on.

Talon texted right back, asking where they were. Beast shared his location through his phone, that way Talon would be able to find them even if they made a million more turns, because Beast wasn’t going straight home and leading this person to where he lived.

Ten minutes later, and after driving aimlessly around town, Talon finally caught up to them. He was directly behind the blue sedan.

“You can put the gun away.”

Marcus looked relieved. “Are you sure?”

“Talon is tailing our tail.”

“Who’s Talon?” Marcus asked as he shoved the gun back into the glovebox and closed it.

“One of my pack members.” Beast pulled into the parking lot of a convenience store, daring his pursuer to do the same. He had backup now, so his attention wouldn’t be split between keeping Marcus safe and fighting the son of a bitch.

As they parked, the blue sedan did the same a few spaces down from them. Beast saw the driver’s tinted windows, but he couldn’t make out who was inside. He turned to Marcus. “Stay here. Don’t move until I tell you it’s safe.”

Marcus looked like he was about to protest but then held his tongue. That surprised Beast since Marcus was always popping off at the mouth. At least he was taking this seriously.

“I mean it. Don’t get out.”

“Do you need your gun?” Marcus reached for the glovebox, but Beast laid a hand on his. “Leave it be. I have Talon with me, and I’m not easily intimidated.”

“I’m gonna need a whole bottle of wine after this,” Marcus groaned. “Just don’t get killed.”

“Don’t plan on it.” Beast got out of his car, rolled his shoulders, and stretched his arms. Then he cracked his neck, feeling his bones pop.

Talon parked and joined him. “You take the driver’s window, and I’ll take the passenger’s.”

After nodding, Beast approached the car. The windows were tinted, so he couldn’t see who was behind the wheel. “Roll your window down,” he said in his most menacing voice.

The window slowly came down. Beast frowned as he stared at a scrawny guy who looked to be in his early twenties and was maybe about Marcus’s height. “Don’t kill me,” he squeaked.

Talon smirked at Beast over the hood of the car.

“Who are you, and why have you been tailing me?”

Swear, the guy looked like he was about to piss himself. His hands shook as he placed them on the wheel, his gaze shooting from Beast to his dashboard then back to Beast. “My boss told me to do it. My name is Lance Hannan. I swear I’m not a threat.”

Clearly. “What does your boss want with me?”

Lance shrugged. “Mr. Blight yelled for me to get into his office then told me to follow Marcus to find out what he was up to. He said something about some shady things going down. He wanted proof that Marcus was involved. He wanted me to record anything suspicious. I have no idea what he’s talking about. I really like Marcus, and I doubt he’s into criminal things.”

Beast stopped himself from rolling his eyes. Not because Lance was a wimp but because Marcus had gotten out of the fucking car. Beast reached into Lance’s car, turned off the motor, and took the keys. “Stay put.”

“I’m not going anywhere since you have my keys,” Lance said before he roughly swallowed.

Beast met Marcus halfway. “I’m so glad you know how to listen.”

“I have a right to know who’s following us. Like you said, I’m involved, so who is it?” Marcus crossed his arms, as if the move would intimidate Beast.

“Your coworker.” He told Marcus what Lance told him.

“Jesus.” Marcus ran a hand through his hair. “This is getting out of hand. Let me talk to Lance.”

“I didn’t check him for weapons,” Beast snarled.

Marcus burst out laughing. “Lance? The guy barely knows how to operate a stapler. He’s always jamming it.”
