Page 12 of Beast

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“Why does that human keep factoring into the equation? If he wasn’t Elliot’s cousin, I’d have him fucking killed.” Rayne didn’t like complicated, and this was beyond complicated. “The video was sent to Eleazar. He sent it to me.”

“Fuck,” Beast said. “How many people was it sent to?”

“I have no idea, but I’m going to find out who recorded the scene in the first place.” If they were exposed, all hell would break loose. This was a goddamn nightmare. Rayne needed to call a meeting. He had to tell his pack what was going on.

“Get your ass back here.”

“Talon’s with me. We’re on our way.”

“Bring Marcus with you,” Rayne snapped.

Beast hung up. Rayne tossed his phone onto his desk. The situation was going to be a shitstorm of epic proportions if they couldn’t contain this.

* * * *

Marcus had whined to Brooklyn and then Elliot about meeting the wolves, but now that he was headed to their house, he was a nervous wreck. Where was a bottle of wine when he needed one? He’d overhead Beast telling Talon that Rayne was on a rampage about the video, and Marcus feared he’d get caught in the middle.

At least Lance wasn’t following them anymore. Marcus had promised to call him later so they could come up with something to tell Mr. Blight. Right now, that was the least of Marcus’s problems.

As they arrived at the pack house, Marcus couldn’t help but feel uneasy. He had never been around so many shifters before, and the tension in the air was palpable. Once inside, Rayne wasted no time in getting straight to the point.

“We have a problem,” Rayne said, looking at each member of his pack. “Someone has recorded Beast taking out a vampire and sent the video to Marcus’s human boss, as well as Eleazar, and Eleazar sent it to me. If this gets out, we’re screwed.”

The room fell silent as everyone processed the severity of the situation. Elliot looked like he was on edge, and Marcus couldn’t blame his cousin. They were in way over their heads.

“What do we do?” Kieran asked, breaking the silence.

“We find out who recorded the video and make sure it doesn’t get out,” Rayne said firmly. “We also need to be careful. There are humans involved, and we can’t afford to have any casualties.”

Beast was pacing, and Marcus felt the energy radiating off of him, so he took a step back. He knew that Beast and the others were capable of handling themselves, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was in the way.

Rayne looked up at Marcus and gave him a nod. “Glad you could make it, Marcus.”

Marcus tried his best to appear confident. “Like I had a choice. Beast all but kidnapped me.”

Rayne’s expression softened slightly. “I’m sure he did. But that video is causing quite a stir in the supernatural community. We need to figure out who leaked it, and fast.”

“I have no idea who it was or why the person sent it to my boss,” Marcus said. “I’m just as clueless as everyone else.”

If Marcus hadn’t gone out last night, none of this would be happening. He couldn’t help but feel this was his fault. Then again, he hadn’t asked Max to zero in on him. Nope. This was all Max’s fault.

Beast stepped forward, standing protectively in front of Marcus. “You can start by telling us everything you know about your boss. Who is he, and why was he having you followed?”

Marcus hesitated for a moment before speaking up. “His name is Charles Blight. He’s a powerful businessman in the city. Honestly, that’s all I know. It’s not like we hang out together. I do everything in my power to avoid him when I can because he can be a prick at times.”

Rayne’s expression was unreadable. “Okay. That’s a start. We’ll look into him. In the meantime, we should probably stay away from Club Lure. We don’t want anyone getting suspicious.”

“I’ll go talk to a few of my contacts and see if they’ve heard anything,” Kieran said.

Rayne nodded. “Good idea. Beast, you keep an eye on Marcus. If anyone talks to him, don’t hesitate to step in. We need to keep him safe.”

“Great, now I’m stuck with you,” Marcus grumbled.

“Like I’m thrilled about this,” Beast whispered.

Rayne scowled, either not hearing them or ignoring the two. “This isn’t looking good, guys.”

Talon sighed. “We’ll figure it out. We always do.”
