Page 13 of Beast

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The others nodded, and Marcus was amazed by the sense of camaraderie that seemed to be engulfing the room. From what Brooklyn and Elliot had told him, these men would lay down their lives for each other.

Marcus wished he had someone like that in his life. Sure, his cousin and friend loved him, but he doubted either would kill someone to keep him safe. They’d probably run in the opposite direction at the first sign of trouble.

But these men? Nothing but alpha-type males with an overdose of testosterone. They looked like they’d kill someone for breathing wrong. Marcus coughed, and everyone looked his way. Yep, he had no doubt each of them had killed before.

They were hunters, after all.

“We should probably get started,” Rayne said, looking around at everyone. “Let’s figure out who recorded this video, and if he plays a bigger role in all of this.”

Chapter Four

“The couch is all yours,” Marcus said when he returned home. “I need to go to the grocery store, though. I don’t have much to eat here.”

Beast was not thrilled that he had to babysit Marcus once more. Why did he keep drawing the short straw on this? It wasn’t as if the two got along. It would have been better if Talon or the twins kept an eye on Marcus. They were a little more easygoing and knew how to hold a conversation with humans.

Though Beast thought he was getting much better at it, at least he was when Marcus wasn’t being a snarky dick.

“We could go grocery shopping now.” Beast wasn’t used to sitting on his ass, and he already felt antsy at the thought of vegging out on the couch all day.

“Are you kidding me?” Marcus walked into the kitchen. Beast had no idea what the guy was doing until he returned with a glass of wine. “I’ve got time to relax until my boss officially fires me and I have to look for another job. I’m kicking back.”

Beast ran a hand down his face, praying for patience. “You were the one who said you needed groceries. Besides, we’re not sitting on our asses, Marcus. We need to find out who recorded us last night. I also have to follow Nelo.”

“But Rayne didn’t say anything about you tailing that vampire or searching for the guy who recorded us,” Marcus protested. “I think I’ve dealt with enough vampires to last me a lifetime after what Max did to me.”

“Well, we’re not sitting around,” Beast growled. “Get your skinny ass in the car.”

Marcus made an aggravated noise in the back of his throat. “If we were going for a ride, why on earth did we come to my house?”

Because Marcus might be an annoying gnat but he also had Beast twisted up inside. One moment he wanted to strangle the guy, and the next, he wanted to… Oh no. He was not letting his mind go there. There would be no kissing in their future or any other kind of physical contact. Beast was only there because his alpha had demanded it.

His presence wasn’t by choice.

“Fine.” Marcus set his glass aside. “You make no sense to me sometimes.”

“You make no sense to me all the time,” Beast grumbled. “Since it’s still daylight out, following Nelo is out of the question. We can do a store run, and then I’m calling Talon to see if he’s found anything about the video yet.”

“Rayne didn’t task Talon with finding out,” Marcus replied as they walked out the door.

“He tasked everyone but me,” Beast said. “Lock your door.”

Marcus rolled his eyes but did as he was told, locking the door behind him before walking over to Beast’s car. He climbed into the passenger seat and crossed his arms over his chest, looking out the window with a pout.

As they drove to the grocery store, Beast couldn’t help but feel slightly irritated by Marcus’s presence. The human was no easier to deal with than the vampires he hunted. He would whine, complain, and make stupid comments at the worst possible times. It was like having a child to take care of, one that constantly tested his patience.

Beast wanted to growl in frustration, but he held back. He knew it wasn’t entirely Marcus’s fault. He was just a human, after all. He didn’t have the heightened senses and instincts that Beast had, nor did he possess the experience in tracking down dangerous creatures. But still, it was frustrating to have to deal with him on a constant basis now.

They arrived at the grocery store, and Beast headed straight to the meat section. He needed to stock up on some protein if he was going to keep up with the demands of his newly issued task. Marcus, on the other hand, wandered over to the candy aisle and picked up a bag of gummy bears.

“That’s not going to do you any good.”

Marcus narrowed his eyes. “Don’t even think about getting between me and my sugar.”

“God forbid.” Beast did most of the shopping while Marcus loaded up on junk. It was a wonder he was so damn thin.

When they made it to the register, Beast placed the contents of the cart onto the belt.

“This is the express lane,” the cashier said.
