Page 16 of Beast

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Marcus grinned, and Beast was drawn to that smile. Maybe it was the fact that Marcus was the only human who had managed to get under his skin, or maybe it was something else entirely. Whatever the reason, Beast couldn’t deny that there was something there. Something that he wasn’t quite ready to explore but was definitely intrigued by—equal parts snarky and endearing.

As they ate, they talked more about their lives. Marcus told him about growing up in a small town outside of the city, and the way he’d always dreamed of living in New York. Beast listened, fascinated by the way Marcus had transformed himself from a small-town boy to a city slicker. How Marcus had put himself through college and struggled to make a life for himself.

And then, as they were finishing up their meal, Marcus said something that made Beast’s heart stop.

“You know, Beast, I could get used to spending time with you like this.”

Beast’s fork clattered onto his plate like Marcus had just given him bad news. “What do you mean?”

“I mean I like hanging out with you. You’ve got this rough exterior, but I can tell there’s a soft teddy bear underneath.”

“I think the sauce is getting to your head,” Beast said. “There’s nothing soft about me.”

“No?” Marcus cocked his head. “Are you sure?”

Beast tried to ignore the heat pooling in his belly. “I’m sure,” he said gruffly, pushing away his plate. “Thanks for dinner. It was good.”

Marcus, usually so quick with comebacks, seemed to be struck dumb. Beast was grateful for the silence as he stood up to leave.

“Wait,” Marcus said, standing up too. “Beast, I didn’t mean anything by it. I just meant that maybe we could still hang out when this is over.”

Beast turned to face him. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Marcus.”

“Why not?”

“Because we’re not friends.” He hadn’t meant to say it so harshly. Why in the fuck was he panicking? He didn’t do panic, but he felt the need to get out of that kitchen, pronto.

“Fine.” Marcus slapped his hands on his hips. “Be a lonely, miserable asshole for all I care. I was just trying to... I don’t know, but I was trying.”

“I’ll take the couch,” Beast muttered, feeling like a straight-up jackass.

As Beast lay on the couch, he couldn’t stop thinking about Marcus and the feelings the guy was stirring up inside him. He wasn’t sure what to do with these unfamiliar emotions, but he couldn’t deny that the idea of spending more time with Marcus and getting to know him better was appealing.

If Beast could manage to keep his foot out of his mouth long enough.

He didn’t bother to look up when he heard footsteps. Beast could tell that Marcus was stomping around, and he knew he would be a worse dick if he didn’t help with the cleanup.

With a sigh, Beast pushed up from the couch and headed into the kitchen. Marcus had already put the food away, and now he was at the sink washing the dishes.

Without a word, Beast moved to stand beside him, grabbing the soapy dishes and rinsing them off. He half expected Marcus to tell him to fuck off, but he silently handed Beast the next dish.

As they worked in silence, the tension between them grew, each one lost in their own thoughts. Beast couldn’t stop thinking about Marcus, about the way he made his heart race and his blood boil. It was a feeling unlike any other he had experienced before, and he wasn’t entirely sure what to do with it.

Half the time around Marcus, Beast wasn’t sure if he was coming or going.

“Do you want to go for a run after we’re done?” Marcus asked. “It would help get rid of the ridiculous amount of calories we just consumed.”

“Let me think about it,” Beast replied. He wasn’t sure if going out running in the dark was a wise decision.

“So,” Marcus said suddenly, breaking the silence, “why do they call you Beast?”

“Given to me at birth.”

Marcus raised an eyebrow. “Really? That’s it? No great backstory about how you earned the name?”

Beast shrugged. “I’m a wolf shifter. What else would you expect them to call me?”

“I don’t know. Bob. Mark. Any normal name.” Marcus shrugged. “I was hoping for something a little more exciting.”
