Page 17 of Beast

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Beast couldn’t help but snort. “Excitement is overrated.”

Marcus reached up and used the pad of his thumb to rub over Beast’s eyebrows.

“What did you do that for?” He felt tiny droplets of water trailing down his face.

“You’re such a sourpuss. You need to loosen up and have some fun. Life isn’t that serious.”

A part of Beast wanted to push Marcus away, and the other wanted to pull him in close. “Life isn’t that serious?” he repeated, his voice low and dangerous. “Tell that to the humans hunted by vampires or to my pack members who are fighting for their survival every day.”

“I know it’s serious,” Marcus replied softly, his hand falling away from Beast’s face. “I just meant that we should make the most of the time we have, stop taking ourselves so seriously, you know?”

The tension between them dissipated. Marcus was right. Beast couldn’t control everything happening around him, but he could control how he handled it. “I guess you’re right.”

Marcus pressed a hand to his own chest, his jaw dropping. “Are you conceding that I’m right?”

Beast chuckled. “Shut up.”

“Make me,” Marcus teased.

Before Beast knew what the hell he was doing—and insanity had definitely kicked in—he snatched Marcus to him and sealed their lips. Marcus gasped in surprise. Beast kissed him deeply, hungrily, his tongue seeking entrance into Marcus’s mouth. To his immense relief, Marcus kissed him back with equal fervor, his hands coming up to tangle in Beast’s hair.

The two of them stumbled backward until they were up against the counter, their kisses growing more intense by the second. Beast ran his hands over Marcus’s body then cupped his ass.

It was Beast who pulled away first. What in the fuck had he been thinking? He wasn’t sure but damn if he didn’t want to do it again.

“That was…unexpected,” Marcus said.

No shit. It was as if Beast’s wolf had taken over, kicking him out of the equation. He wouldn’t have been able to stop if his life depended on it. Kissing Marcus was like kissing heaven.

Beast ran a hand over his nape. “So, about that run…”

Marcus smirked. “So, about that kiss…”

Shit. Marcus wanted to talk about it. Beast wasn’t sure what to say. “I’ll grab some shorts and my running shoes. I’ll meet you in the living room in ten.”

“Ten minutes.” Marcus walked out of the room, leaving Beast confused as fuck about what he was doing or why. But, if given the chance, that wouldn’t be their last kiss.

Chapter Five

Marcus took a long, hot shower after their run. He was sweaty and exhausted, but at least the exercise would help him sleep better. Hopefully he’d be too exhausted to think about Beast. Marcus wasn’t sure when it happened, but he’d started looking at the wolf shifter as more than just an annoying dickhead.

Was it because Beast had rescued him from Max? Was it his surly personality? God, Marcus hoped not. That would mean he was into sourpusses. Then again, his last boyfriend had been a grump, and Marcus had nearly fallen in love with Jerry, until he’d come to his senses and realized that grumpy wasn’t always cute.

Marcus liked to laugh and have a good time, but Jerry had always worn a frown. He never wanted to do anything and had gotten upset over the smallest things.

Was he doing it again? Was he falling for a grump?

“I’m not falling for shit,” he grumbled as he threw on a pair of boxers and went to the fridge for some boxed wine. Prices were ridiculous these days, and the cost of wine had gone up. Instead of a bottle, Marcus settled for the boxed kind when they’d gone grocery shopping.

When he passed through the living room, he saw that Beast was sitting up, the television going.

Marcus’s gaze slid over the guy’s broad shoulders and the way his arm flexed when he threw it over the back of the couch. He also saw that Beast had taken off his shirt, probably from sweating. “The shower is free.”

Beast looked over his shoulder. God, the man was gorgeous. Marcus had to fight the urge to crawl onto the guy’s lap and suck at his sweaty neck. There was just something about the raw smell of a man that drove him crazy. That masculine odor that begged to be sniffed.


Beast’s gaze slid over Marcus and damn if he didn’t suppress a shudder at the heated and interested look in Beast’s eyes. Marcus might like to club a lot, but that didn’t mean he slept with a lot of guys. In fact, it had been months since he’d been laid, and the lack of sex made him horny as hell.
