Page 18 of Beast

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Especially when he had such a hot piece sitting on his couch.

Unsure what else to say, Marcus went back into the kitchen, his lips tingling in remembrance of their kiss. Beast had taken him by total surprise when he’d dove in for one, but Marcus didn’t regret a second of it.

In fact, he wanted to kiss the guy again. He was getting goosebumps just thinking about running his hands all over Beast’s body. He wanted to squeeze those swollen pecs, sample the guy’s nipples, and lick his rigid abdomen.

“If you don’t stop, you’re going to get a boner,” he whispered to himself as he poured a glass of wine. “Beast already ran from the kitchen after that kiss. He’d probably race out the front door if you even hinted at doing something more intimate.”

That made Marcus smile. He would love to see the big, strong, arrogant wolf shifter panic at being hit on by a tiny human.

When he came back into the living room, the couch was empty. Marcus plopped down on the cushions as he listened to the shower running. Now his imagination was really running wild, thinking about soap suds running down Beast’s chest and even lower. All those droplets of water clinging to his tanned flesh and how Marcus wanted to lick them off.

Ten minutes later, the shower shut off. Marcus set his glass of wine on the side table and pulled his legs onto the couch, tucking them under him, assuming a seductive pose. Then he let his feet down and threw his arm over the back of the couch. That wasn’t comfortable because he wasn’t as tall as Beast and had to stretch to accomplish it.

He settled on just sitting there then grabbed his glass, pretending to be interested in whatever was on the TV when Beast entered the room. He felt the guy’s eyes on him and the hesitation, as if Beast didn’t know what to do since Marcus was sitting on his bed.

After what felt like an eternity, Beast sat down on the opposite end of the couch and kicked his bare feet up on the coffee table. He wore long nylon shorts and nothing else. Marcus’s pulse raced when he felt Beast’s eyes on him.

“You staying up much longer?” Beast asked.

Marcus waved a hand at the television. “I’m just watching…” He frowned when he realized that Beast had settled on a documentary about war ships. “This.”

The narrator’s monotone voice—now that Marcus focused on it—was boring as fuck.

“You’re interested in this?” Beast asked.

God no. He’d rather have a root canal than listen to another second of the narrator’s voice. While he was sure the ships were important in their time, he didn’t give a rat’s ass about why they were built and what they were used specifically for. It was like sitting in history class all over again. Had he been taught about war ships in school? Marcus couldn’t recall because he’d spent most of the class asleep from pure boredom.

Yeah, he knew the basics. He knew the ships were designed to fight naval battles and protect against invaders, but he could only take so much information before it all started to blur together. The documentary gave too much detail, and he couldn’t have cared less.

“Not really,” he replied honestly, trying not to laugh.

Beast smirked. “Figured.” He grabbed the remote and started surfing through the choices.

“Hey!” Marcus protested. It was a bad habit of his, not wanting to be bossed around even when he agreed with the decision. “His monotone voice might have been lulling me to sleep, but you seemed interested.”

“I am interested,” Beast said. “I just find it insightful to watch how things work. But I understand if you want to watch something else.” He settled on a movie. “Better?” he asked, glancing over at Marcus.

Marcus smiled. “Much.” He wasn’t sure if he wanted to watch the movie or just keep looking at Beast, who was now relaxed and comfortable. He couldn’t focus on the movie. His attention was all for Beast now, even if the guy didn’t know it.

They watched the movie together, and Marcus was surprised at how comfortable it felt to be in Beast’s presence, considering they hadn’t gotten along since they’d met.

Marcus leaned back against the couch, his eyes still on Beast. He could tell that there was so much more to Beast than what he let on. He was a deep thinker, and he was trying to understand the world around him.

Marcus had no idea what he was getting himself into. Beast was an enigma, and Marcus was fascinated. He wanted to know more, to know what made Beast tick, what drove him and what his passions were. He wanted to explore and understand why he felt like he was drawn to the guy.

But as the movie ended and the credits rolled, Marcus realized that he was in serious trouble. He was crushing hard on a wolf shifter who didn’t like him, who had avoided him like the plague until just recently. There was nothing worse than wanting a guy who didn’t want you back.

He set his empty glass aside. “I guess I should turn in.”

Then he remembered he didn’t have to get up for work. He was basically fired, even if it wasn’t official. What did he have to get up early for? Not a damn thing.

Marcus also had an almost-naked hunk on his couch. Was he really going to waste this opportunity? Should he make a move? The last thing he wanted was to be rejected. No one liked to be shot down.

But Marcus wasn’t one to shy away when he wanted someone, and he wasn’t about to start now. He just had to be subtle about this so he didn’t send Beast running for the door.

He cleared his throat and pushed himself up off the couch. “I should really go to bed.” He took a step toward Beast, and the guy tensed, his gaze going to Marcus’s lips.

Marcus licked them, and Beast’s eyes snapped back up to his as he stood, like he was being chivalrous. “Goodnight.”
