Page 2 of Beast

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Beast fell into step behind him, the twins on his heels. He wasn’t looking forward to spying on Nelo, but he knew it was necessary. The thought of being anywhere near a vampire made his skin crawl, but he would do whatever it took to protect his pack and the city they loved.

His gut told him that things were about to get a lot more complicated, and he was ready for whatever came his way. As they made their way out of the abandoned building, Beast couldn’t help but wonder what kind of trouble they were getting themselves into. He knew one thing for sure though—he would kill any vampire who threatened him.

He jumped into his Charger and drove to Club Lure. It was a nightclub that catered to not only wolf shifters and vampires but humans, too. Nelo was known to frequent this club, and if Beast was going to become a spy, this was as good a place as any to start.

The bouncer at the door just nodded at him as Beast stepped inside. The lighting hurt his sensitive eyes, but Beast endured it as he looked around. The dance floor was crowded with people gyrating to the beat of the music, and the area over by the bar was packed. As Beast scanned the crowd, his gaze fell on someone familiar.


Elliot’s annoying cousin. Beast had to guard him one time, and the twink had been a pain in the ass. Beast wasn’t used to being around humans, even though two human mates lived with them. He’d grown up in a pack that didn’t believe in mixing with humans, so they stayed far away, living in a cave and remaining in their wolf forms most of the time. That had stunted Beast’s social skills, even among his birth pack.

As irritating as Marcus was, Beast observed the human’s hips moving on the dance floor and how he gracefully raised his arms to add more flair to his swaying. He let the beat consume him and allowed himself to be captivated by it. Marcus’s movements were undeniably alluring.

Beast shook his head, trying to clear his mind of unwanted thoughts. He had a job to do and couldn’t afford any distractions. He scanned the crowd once again, searching for Nelo, but he was nowhere to be seen. Beast decided to head over to the bar and order a drink. He could use a stiff one right about now.

It wasn’t until Marcus took a break from the dance floor and made his way over to the bar that their eyes met.

“You,” Marcus said, his voice laced with annoyance. “What are you doing here?”

“Like I’d tell you.” Beast downed his whiskey and set the glass on the counter. “Don’t you have someone else to pester?”

“Not since you.” Marcus moved closer when someone came up to the bar, crowding the human.

Unsure why, Beast pulled Marcus toward him. It was pure instinct, maybe, but he didn’t want Marcus’s tiny frame crushed by rude partygoers. Someone moved in next to Marcus, knocking him into Beast’s chest. For a moment, Beast forgot why he was there, forgot about the assignment from Rayne, and simply stared down at Marcus, taking in the way his plump lips parted slightly as he tried to catch his breath.

“You don’t have to manhandle me,” Marcus said, his voice softening.

Beast cleared his throat, heat rising in his cheeks. He released Marcus and took a step back, trying to regain his composure. “Just making sure you don’t get trampled.”

“Right.” Marcus smirked and sipped his drink. Then he turned toward the stranger who’d just bumped into him. “Hey, asshole. Give a guy some room.”

The stranger narrowed his eye as he looked at Marcus. “What the fuck you just say to me?”

As short as Marcus was, he squared his shoulders with defiance. “You didn’t have to shove me.”

The guy turned fully toward Marcus, trying to seem intimidating. He had a slight build to him, pretty eyes, and a firm jaw, but he also seemed like a real asshole. “What’re you going to do about it?”

“Apologize,” Beast snarled.

The stranger glanced at him and all his badass melted away. “Yeah, sorry. It’s just crowded at the bar.”

Marcus turned his glare on Beast. “I don’t need you to defend me. I can take care of myself.”

“Right, because that guy wasn’t about to pound your face,” Beast snapped. “He was twice your size.”

Beast noticed the way Marcus’s eyes lingered on him before he turned away, and he couldn’t help but stare at the human’s ass as he walked away. He didn’t understand why he was so drawn to Marcus. Maybe it was the way he moved on the dance floor or the way he’d just stood up for himself, confident and unapologetic, refusing to be intimidated.

“You’re welcome,” Beast shouted at Marcus’s retreating form.

Without turning around, Marcus lifted his arm and flipped Beast off.

Beast couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of the human’s raised middle finger. Marcus might have been a pain in the ass, but he sure had balls. And there was something about that that Beast couldn’t resist.

As he looked around, he saw Nelo slipping out a side door. Beast knew it was time to get to work. He didn’t want to lose sight of Nelo, but he also didn’t want to lose sight of Marcus. There was something about the human that he couldn’t quite put his finger on, but it was there, simmering just below the surface. Beast followed Nelo out the door, but part of him couldn’t resist stealing a glance back at Marcus as well.

Once outside, Beast saw Nelo’s sleek black car parked down the alleyway. Beast started his own car and trailed behind him, keeping his distance. He had to be careful, but he knew he could handle himself if things got heated. As they drove along, Beast had to concentrate on Nelo and not let his mind wander to thoughts of Marcus. The human was a distraction he didn’t need and didn’t want.

Nelo turned into a high-end neighborhood, and Beast followed him as inconspicuously as he could. He watched as Nelo went into a house at the end of the cul-de-sac. Beast parked his car down the street and got out, scanning the area before making his way to the side of the house.
