Page 23 of Beast

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It was last night all over again.

“Change your mind about eating?”

“No, I was wondering how you cooked since you said you never had.” Total lie about what he was thinking, but Marcus refused to jump Beast’s bones again. Not when he was in a quiet state of panic.

“I’ve seen the other guys cook. It wasn’t that hard to make eggs and toast,” he said. “Though, I have to say, I order out a lot or pick up food while out hunting.”

Oh yeah, vampires. Now Marcus had something else to worry about. One had tried to kill him, but Beast had slain Max because Beast was a hunter and a wolf shifter.

Marcus was in over his head so far that it wasn’t even funny.

“There it is.” Beast leaned against the counter and crossed his arms.

“There’s what?”

“The panic. It’s clear in your wide, wild eyes.”

“I don’t panic,” Marcus threw Beast’s words back at him. “I gracefully malfunction. There’s a difference.” Marcus dropped into a chair and pressed his hands against his temples. “Okay, so I’m panicking. Wolf shifters. Vampires. I almost died. We’re mates. I don’t have a fucking job. You’re a hunter, which means you purposely put yourself in harm’s way.”

Beast hunkered down in front of Marcus, placing his hands on Marcus’s thighs. “Deep breaths, hon.”

Marcus did it so fast he began to hyperventilate.

“Slow your breathing. Make them steady. Do you want to go for a run?”

That was exactly what Marcus needed. He had to do something about his anxiety, and running always cleared his mind. “Yes.”

Beast brushed his knuckles over Marcus’s cheek. “Get some shorts on and your sneakers. Give me five minutes and then we’ll be pounding the pavement.”

As soon as they stepped outside, Marcus began to calm down. It was still dark out, but there was something about running that did it for him. The early morning—or late night, depending on how you looked at it—was nirvana with the cool air, the sound of their sneakers hitting the pavement in rhythm, the moon shining down on them like a spotlight. Running with Beast felt natural. It was like they were in tune with each other, their strides matching seamlessly.

For the first time since finding out they were mates, Marcus felt completely at ease. He didn’t feel like he had to pretend or put on an act. Beast knew him, and he hadn’t run away.

They jogged in silence for a while before Beast finally spoke up. “You’re not the only one who’s worried.”

Marcus turned his head to look at him, chest heaving with the exertion. “What are you worried about?”

“I’m worried about keeping you safe,” Beast admitted, his voice low and serious. “The vampires aren’t to be underestimated.”

Marcus shuddered, but it wasn’t from the cool air. He knew Beast was telling the truth. “I don’t know how to fight them.”

“You don’t have to,” Beast said firmly. “That’s my job as your mate.”

“You’re taking this whole mate thing in stride. I’m kind of proud of you.” It was a huge step for Beast when you knew his background. He hadn’t been used to being around humans, and now he was mated to one. Marcus really was proud of him for being so accepting of all this.

Beast shrugged, a small smile quirking his lips. “It’s new territory for me, but I take my responsibilities seriously.”

Marcus nodded. There was something so comforting about Beast’s words. He knew there was a lot he still had to learn about the supernatural world, but knowing Beast had his back made all the difference.

They continued running, and the anxiety that had been plaguing Marcus before had dissipated. There was still a lot to worry about, but right at that moment, he didn’t feel as though his world was crashing down around him.

After a mile, Marcus slowed to a stop, panting and sweating. Beast, on the other hand, seemed not the least bit tired. He looked over at Marcus and grinned. “Not bad for a human.”

Marcus huffed out a laugh. “I’m not just any human.”

“That you’re not,” Beast replied then took a step closer. “You’re my mate.”

Marcus’s breath hitched as Beast leaned in, their bodies almost touching. Marcus could drown in the scent surrounding his mate.
