Page 24 of Beast

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His mate. That had a nice ring to it.

“Whoa.” Marcus held up a hand. “Are you trying to make out with me on a street corner while we’re both sweaty and panting?”

“If I was?” Beast wiggled his brows. “You gonna turn me down?”

“Hard pass,” Marcus said. “I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet. You have me out here at the ass-crack of dawn, so no making out.” He looked around, suddenly aware that it was still full dark. “Besides, we have to keep our wits about us.”

“One kiss and I’ll stop trying to molest you on a street corner.”

Marcus frowned at the fact that he couldn’t say no to the guy. “Fine, one kiss, but don’t get mad at me if I have morning breath.”

That one kiss was toe-curling. Beast wrapped an arm around Marcus and pulled him in, devouring his mouth.

Finally, Marcus pressed his hands to Beast’s chest and pushed his mate away. “That was more than one simple kiss.”

“We never stipulated that it would be a simple kiss.” Beast stretched his arms overhead. “Ready to make the run back?”

Marcus smirked and pointed to Beast’s erection, which was evident through his shorts. “Can you run with that?”

“Morning wood. I’ll survive.”

It wasn’t morning wood. Beast had already been up for a while and had taken a shower. That was pure need, and Marcus’s own body wanted to react. “Let’s go.”

He needed to run before he was sporting a boner of his own.

When they got back, Marcus showered, brushed his teeth, and checked his phone, which he’d left behind.

He had a text message from Lance. What the hell? Marcus had never given Lance his phone number. Mr. Blight must have given it to him. That was the only explanation.

Can we meet up? It’s urgent.

He’d texted Marcus twenty minutes ago. This felt sketchy as hell, even though Marcus had told Beast that Lance was harmless. Who texted their coworker at five in the morning, especially after what had taken place between them?

Instead of answering, Marcus called him. He wasn’t meeting up when he didn’t know what was going on.


“Why is meeting me so urgent?” Marcus had forgone the pleasantries.

“I think I’m the one being followed now,” Lance whispered.

“Why are you whispering?” Though Marcus realized he had followed the cue. “Why do you think you’re being followed, and how did you get my phone number?”

“I stole it from your personnel file. Please don’t be mad at me. I was desperate. Ever since I went back to the office and told Mr. Blight that I lost you in traffic, I’ve been seeing the same guy everywhere. I even saw him in my favorite coffee shop, which is across town. Have you heard of Hayley’s Heaven? Probably not. But someone following me across town? Coincidence? I don’t think so.”

“That still doesn’t tell me why you’re whispering.”

“It’s five in the morning,” Lance said as if Marcus should have known that.

That made absolutely no sense to Marcus. “But why are you…never mind. I can meet you in an hour at the diner on Fourth and Erving. Do you know the place?”

Marcus was starving. He’d worked up an appetite running. He was also taking Beast with him, and in an hour, the sun would be out. No chance of running into a vampire just in case this was a setup.

“I know the place. One hour,” Lance whispered, and then he hung up.

Marcus tossed his phone onto his bed and went in search of Beast.

Chapter Seven
