Page 28 of Beast

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Cable hated to pay this guy, but if they wanted to find out who was behind all of this, then he would cough up the money.

“I’ll get his pic for a grand. Not a penny less.”

That was cheap as hell. Cable had been expecting a ridiculous amount. “Done.”

“Half now, the other half when I send the picture. Give me your phone number.”

“Not a chance,” Cable said. “We’ll be back tonight. Have the picture.”

Logan forked over the five hundred bucks, and Cable was surprised his twin kept that kind of money on him. He thought for sure he’d have to hit an ATM and return to this dump.

“We’ll be back, and if you screw us over, Nadine and your mystery guy will be the least of your worries,” Logan said. “You’re not the only one good at tracking someone down, and I’ll make your betrayal very painful.”

“I’m all about the money,” Poncho said. “I’ll have your picture by the time you guys return.”

Cable didn’t trust the human, but he had no other choice.

As soon as they made it to their car, Cable’s phone rang. He saw it was Beast calling him. “What’s up?”

“Can we meet?” Beast asked. “I’m in the city.”

“So am I,” Cable said.

“Sweet.” He gave Cable the address to some diner. “See you in a few.”

It wasn’t even nine in the morning yet, and already his day had started to suck.

“What’s up?” Logan asked when Cable hung up.

“We got a stop to make.” They got into the car and drove to the diner, Cable wondering what Beast could possibly want from him at this time of day.

When he finally made it to the diner and walked in, he spotted Beast at a rear table. “What’s up?”

Beast waved at the strangers. “This is Lance, and I know you’ve heard of Marcus.”

Lance looked between Cable and Logan. “Oh my god, twins.”

How original. Like Cable didn’t hear that every day. They were identical, and it was hard for people to figure out who was who, except for their pack, because Cable and Logan had their own distinctive scents.

“You have a twin?” Marcus looked at them, seeming as in awe as Lance was.

“Nope, Logan is just my shadow come to life.” Cable sat next to Lance while Logan went to the counter, clearly to order some food.

Beast filled him in on what was going on with the little human.

“I guess second time is a charm when following people,” Cable said.

Lance seemed to bristle. “My heart wasn’t in it with Marcus.”

Cable glanced at the table and nearly did a double take when he saw the mating symbol on Beast’s palm. He glanced at Marcus’s hand and saw the identical marking. Holy shit. Beast had mated. The guys were gonna love this.

And to Marcus?


Hopefully Marcus could help Beast lighten up a bit. The guy never joked or laughed and, as far as Cable knew, never did anything wild or fun. It was good that Beast was finally mated. The guy deserved to be happy.

That was if Marcus didn’t drive him crazy first.
