Page 3 of Beast

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He peered into a window and saw Nelo talking to… Was that Eleazar’s second-in-command? Why on earth would they be meeting in such a nice neighborhood? Why would they be meeting at all?

If Eleazar had set up the meeting, Beast doubted the vampires would be at this nice home. Nelo wouldn’t have gone out of his way to talk to Shayde. Too bad he couldn’t hear what they were saying. Beast lifted his phone and snapped a few pictures. He’d show Rayne and let his alpha handle it from there.

Since Beast knew where Nelo was, he walked back to his car and sat behind the wheel, watching the house. But as he sent those pics to Rayne, Beast’s mind drifted right back to Marcus and wondered if the twink had found a hookup at the club.

* * * *

Marcus felt lightheaded. He should have eaten before he decided to drink, but he’d skipped dinner, and now he was paying for it. He was also trying to shake the guy who kept trying to dance with him.

What was with men who couldn’t take no for an answer? The guy, Max, had kept dancing in front of Marcus, kept trying to touch him, and Marcus was five seconds away from kneeing the bastard in his nuts.

Now he was back at the bar, ordering a glass of water. He needed to clear his head before he could drive home. If he had to, he’d order an Uber. Marcus just didn’t like the idea of leaving his car in the parking lot of the club.

He also didn’t like how strange he felt. He hadn’t actually drunk that much, but he was having a hard time focusing.

“I thought I lost you for a second,” Max said as he joined Marcus at the bar. “Ready to dance some more?”

“I wasn’t ready the first three times.” Marcus downed half the glass, the cold water feeling good on his parched throat. It also helped ease his nausea.

Max laughed. “I like your sense of humor. What do you say we blow this club and go back to my place? My roommate is out of town, so we’ll have the house to ourselves.”

Ugh. That was one thing Marcus hated about the club scene. Clingy guys who couldn’t read signals. Marcus had turned away from Max every time Max had tried to dance with him, and now Max was harassing him.

“Look.” Marcus turned toward him. “You seem like a nice guy, but I’m not interested.”

Max’s smile faded, and his eyes darkened. “Come on. Don’t be like that. I know you want it.”

After rolling his eyes, Marcus set his glass on the bar. This guy was beyond annoying. “I said no. Now leave me alone.”

Max’s hand shot out and grabbed Marcus’s wrist, squeezing tightly. “You’re just a little tease, aren’t you? Leading me on all night and now you’re gonna say no?”

“Let go of me, you asshole!” Marcus tried to pull his wrist from the man’s grasp, but it was like a steel band.

“Is there a problem?” the bartender asked.

“No, no problem.” Max tried to throw his arm around Marcus’s shoulders, but Marcus dodged the move and pushed through the crowd. When he looked back at the bar, Max was following him.

The last thing Marcus wanted to do was go outside and make himself even more vulnerable. No doubt Max would be hot on his trail. Without a crowd of people around, Marcus shuddered at what Max might do to him if the guy got him alone.

Instead, Marcus pulled out his phone and dialed, praying Beast answered. It wasn’t his first choice of rescuers, but Beast would scare the shit out of Max, and that was what Marcus wanted. To be left alone.

“Kinda busy,” Beast said when he answered. “What’s wrong, someone else bump into you?”

“You’re the last person I want to call, but…well, I have a problem. This guy named Max is being overly aggressive with me, and I’m afraid if I leave, he’ll just follow me.”

“I thought you didn’t need me to defend you,” Beast reminded him. “You can take care of yourself.”

Normally, Marcus could, but he’d never had to deal with someone like Max before. “This is different. I’m feeling…weird. I think he may have put something in my drink.”

“He drugged you?” Beast asked, the annoyance in his voice gone.

“I…I think so. I had my drink when I was dancing, and douchebag pushed up on me. He might have slipped something in my glass.”

“Stay by the bar,” Beast snarled. “Don’t go outside and don’t go to the bathroom.”

“Why can’t I go to the bathroom?”

“Because you’ll be vulnerable in there,” Beast said. “Just stick by the bar.”
