Page 31 of Beast

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Marcus rolled his eyes. “She was skinny, like me, and had a belly. That’s all I’m saying.”

Oh, Beast wanted to know the entire story, but Marcus had walked into the house, so he let it drop. In truth, he was worried about tonight. Not because of Nelo but because he was afraid of his mate possibly getting hurt.

Marcus might be the one eating all that unhealthy food, but Beast was the one who would end up with indigestion.

* * * *

“Is Nelo really as bad as you make him seem?” Marcus asked as they watched a nightclub. The vampire probably was, but Marcus was bored as hell, and he also was dying to go inside and dance his tush off.

Damn Max for getting Marcus grounded from his favorite nightclub.

“He’s one big red flag,” Beast replied. “Narcissistic with homicidal tendencies. Thinks humans are cattle and they should be subservient to the vampire race. He’d backstab anyone to get ahead and amass as much power as he could.”

“I bet you he has a tiny dick.” Marcus didn’t like Nelo, and he hadn’t even met the guy. Hopefully he never would. He would show the prick who was cattle.

Beast looked disgusted. “That’s an image I never wanted to think about.”

Marcus stuck out his hand. “Let’s make a wager.”

“No.” Beast slapped at Marcus’s hand. “One, I’m not betting on the size of a guy’s dick. Two, how would we determine the winner? Are you going to make him drop trousers? Because I sure as hell ain’t.”

“Whatever.” Marcus looked down at his bag of snacks, but he was no longer hungry. He. Was. Bored. “Nelo’s been in there for a while. Are you sure he hasn’t slipped out a back door? We could go in, you know, as partiers, and check things out.”

And get a few drinks, too. Marcus was ready to lie in the middle of the road just for some action.

Beast grabbed Marcus’s snack bag and started to dig through it. “Hey, what did I tell you about getting your own snacks?”

He watched as his mate pulled out a small bag of chips. He opened them then popped one into his mouth. Marcus snatched the plastic bag back then the bag of chips.

“I only wanted a few,” Beast complained.

Marcus grabbed one then fed it to him. Beast’s lips parted, and then he took the chip into his mouth. Why was it the sexiest thing to feed a guy? Marcus grabbed another chip and hovered it close to Beast’s mouth but pulled it back when his mate leaned forward to take it. Beast tried again, and then Marcus fed it to him.

As they watched the club, Marcus kept feeding Beast. It was such a simple act, feeding his mate one chip at a time as they sat there, but it made the situation feel so…domestic and natural. He cracked his soda open but let Beast get the first drink before he took his own.

“Okay, we’ll head in but only to make sure he’s still in the club,” Beast said.

“We can go in?” Marcus put his drink in the cup holder, anticipation building inside of him. He wanted to get rid of this excess energy—thanks mostly to the snacks for hyping him up—and was reaching for the handle when Beast grabbed his arm.

“Slow down, sweetheart.”

The endearment touched him. “But you just said we can go inside.”

Marcus had worn his tight jeans and a mesh shirt just in case. He even had on his nice leather shoes. He’d taken time to do his hair, making it look as if he’d just gotten out of bed. When he’d come out of the bathroom, he’d noticed the way Beast had raked his eyes over him, and his heart had fluttered.

“A few ground rules.” Beast’s voice softened. “No drinking, because I want both of us to have a clear head.”

Well damn. “Okay.”

“Act casual.”

“I can do that.”

“And if shit goes down, you get your ass back to the car.” Beast tucked the keys in the sun visor. “If you have to run, call Rayne and let him know what’s going on.”

“But I don’t have his phone number.” Marcus was willing to agree to anything if he was allowed to go inside and dance. He usually liked a drink or two to loosen up first, but that was only to give him liquid courage to flirt. He didn’t need that since he was going to be with his mate.
