Page 37 of Beast

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Chapter Ten

Marcus wasn’t sure what to think as they sat in Beast’s car, watching the house Nelo was inside. He’d heard his mate last night. Marcus hadn’t been fully asleep yet, and he’d heard Beast say that he thought he was falling in love with him.

Since his mate said it thinking Marcus wasn’t listening, should he talk about it? Should he mention to Beast that he felt the same way?

Nope. Marcus was too chicken to say it out loud while both of them were awake. You didn’t just blurt something like that out loud.

He shifted in his seat and glanced sideways at his mate. Beast was looking out the windshield, his expression unreadable as he watched the house. Marcus had a feeling his mate had plenty on his mind besides the mission they were on.

Marcus still couldn’t believe he was here, on a stakeout with shifters and vampires and all sorts of trouble brewing. It felt surreal. He was also almost positive that he was in danger every day he was around Beast and the others.

But it didn’t stop him from wanting to be here. To be with Beast.

Finally, Beast spoke, his voice low and gruff. “What are you thinking about?”

“How bored I am,” he lied. “I wish Nelo would do something to give us a clue about what he’s up to.”

God, I’m such a wuss. Just say the words.

Wasn’t going to happen.

“We just have to be patient,” Beast said. “He’ll slip up eventually.”

“I know,” Marcus sighed. “Hopefully it’s soon.”

They fell into a comfortable silence after that, and Marcus felt himself drifting off. He was almost asleep when the front door of the house opened and Nelo stepped out, dressed in a long black coat. Beast tensed and sat up, scanning the area before starting the engine and turning the car around.

“Where is he going?” Marcus asked as they began to follow Nelo’s car.

“Not sure,” Beast replied. “But I intend to find out.”

They drove for nearly ten minutes until the Mercedes turned into an abandoned gas station. Beast parked far enough away, and they got out, warily looking around the deserted area.

“Come on,” Beast said. “Stay close.”

Marcus followed him, his heart pounding with anticipation. What was Nelo doing in this area?

They rounded the corner and saw Nelo talking with Mr. Blight. What the hell? He knew they’d had some sort of secret meeting before, because Lance had said he’d heard Nelo’s name from Mr. Blight.

It was just surreal to see his boss with a vampire.

Beast motioned for Marcus to stay back and crept closer to get a better look. Marcus watched anxiously as Beast disappeared around the corner. What if something bad happened?

There was a crash, and Marcus’s heart nearly stopped. He ran around to the other side and saw Beast sprawled on the ground with Mr. Blight looming over him. Panic flooded through Marcus, and he raced forward, not even sure what he was going to do.

“Beast!” he shouted, surprising both of them. “Let him go!”

Mr. Blight sneered and stepped back, and Beast quickly got to his feet. He grabbed Marcus and pushed him behind him, his body a shield between Marcus and the vampire.

“Meddling mutt,” Nelo snarled.

“Sketchy bloodsucker,” Beast snarled right back. “Why’d you pay that guy to follow me?”

Nelo shrugged. “I guess my plan is shot to hell. What is that expression? Too many cooks in the kitchen? Rayne has his men working to find out what I’m up to, and Eleazar is doing the same. If Fayez’s coven had been better when I took over, my plan might have worked.”

“What plan?” Marcus asked.

“Dissention,” Nelo said. “Total chaos. Wolves against Eleazar’s coven. Eleazar’s vampire taking out the hunters for nearly exposing us.”
