Page 38 of Beast

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“So you can come out on top,” Marcus surmised.

“Very astute.” Nelo winked, and Marcus wanted to vomit. The guy was good-looking, but he was also evil. “What does Mr. Blight have to do with all of this?”

“Financial backing,” Nelo said. “He allows me to own a large amount of stock in his company, and my vampires leave him alone.”

Marcus looked at his boss and saw Mr. Blight’s hand twitching. Was he under Nelo’s compulsion? That would explain his boss’s involvement.

“I was told to fire you after I was sent that video,” Mr. Blight said. “He knew you were related to Elliot, knew you interacted with the wolves, and he wanted you out of the way of his business with me.”

“That was probably the dumbest plan you could have hatched,” Marcus snapped. “If you’d left me alone, left Beast alone, you could have secretly amassed your wealth and made your move.” Marcus rolled his eyes. “I don’t see how you were Fayez’s second. You’re an idiot.”

Beast cut a glance at Marcus before he drew his attention back to Nelo. “What he said.”

“Just so you know, I’m not the only wealthy person in Ridgeway that Nelo is blackmailing,” Mr. Blight said. “Not that I’m atoned from my involvement, even if I did it unwittingly.”

“If you’ve been compelled, how do you know what you’ve done?” Beast asked.

“I lifted the compulsion for this meeting,” Nelo confessed. “Since I own most of his company, I don’t need him anymore.”

Mr. Blight looked at Marcus. “I just wanted you to know why I did what I did in case I don’t make it out of this situation alive.”

Nelo smirked. “Oh, you’re not making it out of here alive, Charles, but neither are they.”

Marcus’s heart stopped when he saw half a dozen men emerge from the shadows. There was no way Beast could fight all of them and win.

Long, thick claws slid from Beast’s hands. His canines lengthened, and a deep growl vibrated in his chest. He looked savage and beautiful. Marcus stood there in awe of him until he remembered the danger they were in.

Before they’d left the house, Marcus had slipped a letter opener into his boot. He pulled it free, gripping the handle as he looked at the power around him. He’d never been in a fight in his life, but he would fight to the death to make sure they made it out of there alive.

Nelo threw his head back and laughed. “What’re you going to do with that pig sticker?”

“It’s made of pure silver. A memento from my grandmother.”

Nelo’s smug expression vanished. He glanced at the opener then back at Marcus. “Kill them!”

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Marcus had acted bravely, but he was far from it when taking on what he assumed were half a dozen vampires. This was a nightmare! Why on earth had he insisted on tagging along? He should have kept his butt at home, but it was too late now.

Beast charged forward, his claws slicing through the air as he took on the first assailant. Marcus hesitated for a moment before realizing he needed to act fast. He leaped forward with the silver letter opener in hand, aiming for the nearest vampire’s heart.

The vampire snarled, blocking Marcus’s attack with ease and smacking him in the face with the back of his hand, sending Marcus tumbling to the ground.

Beast’s growls filled the air as he fought off multiple attackers at once, his wolfen instincts taking over as he clawed and bit at his enemies.

Marcus watched in horror as they tore into one another, their bodies twisting and turning in a blur of movement. Blood splattered the ground and Marcus’s shirt as he tried to stay out of the fray.

He had never been so terrified in his life. Every instinct in his body was telling him to run, to turn and flee, but he didn’t want to leave Beast behind. He gripped his silver opener, his hand shaking, and waited for an opportunity to strike.

The one who had smacked Marcus came at him again, but this time, Marcus twirled out of the way at the last second and plunged the sharp end of the letter opener into the guy’s neck. It was a lucky strike, and Marcus watched in utter horror as the vampire hit the ground, bleeding out.

He’d just killed a guy. The reality of the situation struck him hard, until another vampire rushed toward him. Marcus dove for the letter opener that was still stuck in the dead guy’s neck, but the other vampire knocked him clear.

Marcus hit the ground and rolled.

Then a shadow fell over him. He knew in that moment he was dead—until he realized it was Rayne’s shadow. In one swift move, as fast as lightning, he plunged his claws into the attacking vampire’s chest and ripped out his heart.

Marcus looked away and noticed more men behind the alpha. It was Kieran who leaned down and grabbed Marcus, hauling him to his feet. “Stay behind me.”

That was a damn good plan considering Marcus had just gotten his ass handed to him. “I-I killed one of them.”
