Page 5 of Beast

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“That was one of Fayez’s men,” Beast said. “I remember him. How is the human?”

“Still alive,” Ramon said. “Do you know where he lives?”

Beast nodded.

“I’d take him home and let him rest. I don’t think Max took enough blood that your friend needs a hospital. Maybe a few days of rest to recuperate.”

Beast carefully scooped Marcus up into his arms and thanked Ramon for his help.

“I’ll get rid of Max and let the owner know what happened,” the bouncer said.

Beast carried Marcus to his car, placing him gently on the backseat. This was not how he envisioned his night. He wished he could kill Max all over again for forcing him to leave his stakeout, and for trying to drain Marcus dry. Rayne would understand why Beast had aborted his mission.

Human lives came first. That was why they were hunters. To protect the human race from vampires who preyed on them.

* * * *

Marcus slowly came awake, and then he jackknifed, slapping a hand over his neck. Although he didn’t feel any wounds, the memory of what happened at the club came flooding back. Max had attacked him and drank from him.

A vampire had drunk from him!

His gaze swept across the room. He was on his couch at home, and Beast was seated across from him.

“Don’t even think about panicking,” Beast said. “You’re safe, and Max is dead.”

Marcus still felt woozy from the drugs, but his head was a lot clearer. “You saved me.”

Beast just nodded.

Slowly, Marcus sat up. He clutched his head and winced. “Fuck, how could that happen? I’m vigilant when it comes to drinking in clubs.”

“It happens,” Beast said.

The guy’s face was an unreadable mask, and Marcus couldn’t tell if Beast was pissed or not. He wanted to say something snarky, but the guy had just saved his life. “Thanks for coming to my rescue.”

“I wouldn’t have had to if you’d…” Beast frowned. “Any way I end that sentence will make me sound like a jerk.”

“I didn’t do anything wrong,” Marcus said defensively. “I didn’t lead him on, and I didn’t leave my drink unattended.”

“You’re right.” Beast sighed. “I stayed to make sure you were okay, and now that you’re awake, I have to roll out.”

Marcus glanced around his darkened house, wondering why Beast hadn’t turned on any lights. The shadows made Marcus uneasy, and he wasn’t ready to be alone just yet, but he also didn’t know how to ask Beast to stay. They didn’t get along and were always annoying each other, and if Marcus asked, Beast might tease him about it. Marcus wasn’t in the mood to be teased.

Not about his sudden fear of being alone.

“I just had the scariest night of my life and you’re bouncing?” He snorted. “And by the way, I don’t panic.”

Marcus was totally panicking. He couldn’t get Max’s face or voice out of his head. He still felt those fangs sinking into his flesh, still felt the draw of the bastard’s lips against his skin. Marcus wanted to take the longest shower in history.

“You think I’m blaming you for what happened?”

Marcus huffed. “You’re a few steps behind on this conversation, genius. No, I don’t think you blame me, but the way you trailed off on your earlier sentence doesn’t make you look good.”

“Gah, this is why I don’t deal with humans. They’re confusing as fuck.” Beast stood up. “This conversation is going in circles, and I already have a headache.”

“I’m scared,” Marcus blurted out when Beast headed for the door. “I can’t get his face or voice out of my head.” He told Beast his other fear of feeling those fangs. “Could you…just tonight?”

Beast frowned. “You want me to crash on your couch?”
