Page 7 of Beast

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Marcus knew all about their world because of Brooklyn and Elliot. “Someone took Eleazar’s place?”

Beast grunted. “I wish. No, I mean the coven Fayez used to run. He’s gone missing, so Eleazar talked the second-in-command to take over. A guy named Nelo.”

“And I take it Nelo is a piece of shit.”

Beast grinned. “And then some. He likes to party more than he likes to lead. Or so I heard, but rumor has it that he’s always been a douche, thinking he runs things, even when Fayez was around.”

“And the vampire tonight? Did you know him?” Marcus had passed out moments after Max had been pulled away from him, but a foggy part of his mind recalled a conversation. Something about Max belonging to Fayez’s coven.

“He’s one of Nelo’s men.” Beast nodded. “Things are getting dicey right now, and you’d be doing yourself a favor by staying out of the clubs, Marcus.”

After his drink had been drugged and then he was attacked, Marcus was inclined to agree. “I never thanked you for coming for me.”

“Your instincts were right about Max,” Beast said. “Never doubt your gut.”

Marcus cocked his head. He wasn’t sure, but it was possible Beast wasn’t comfortable with compliments or any show of gratitude. “You were supposed to tell me you’re welcome. You really do suck at social cues, don’t you?”

“With humans, yes.” Beast grinned, and it was the most handsome, open, and friendly smile Marcus had ever seen. “I’m working on it.”

Marcus chuckled. “You have a long way to go, buddy.”

“I’ll take your couch for tonight, but after this, steer clear of the clubs.” Beast walked out of the room, and something shifted inside Marcus. Here he’d thought Beast a jerk because when he had guarded Marcus weeks ago, he’d acted that way. Now Marcus knew different. Beast just lacked the skills to talk to humans.

Maybe what the guy needed was a human friend, and Marcus could be that for him.

* * * *

The next morning, Marcus woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. When he looked at his bedside clock, he groaned. It was only seven. If this wasn’t an emergency, he was killing whoever was calling him.

“What?” he snapped without looking at the caller ID.

“Is that anyway to answer your phone?”

Marcus shot up in bed, using the heel of his hand to rub one eye. “Sorry, Mr. Blight. I just had a long night.”

If his boss only knew what really happened, he’d flipped his toupee. “I need you to come in to work, Mr. Weston. We have an emergency.”

Marcus flopped back down but swallowed the groan. “I’m on my way.”

Without another word, Mr. Blight hung up.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Marcus groaned as he flipped the covers back. The only reason he’d gone out last night was because he knew he didn’t have to work the following day. He’d only gone to sleep three hours ago and felt like a zombie as he got out of bed and shuffled to his bathroom.

As Marcus brushed his teeth, he couldn’t help but think about Beast’s warning to stay away from the clubs. He spat into the sink and rinsed, looking at himself in the mirror. Marcus was tired, his eyes bloodshot, and his hair a mess. He needed a shower and a strong cup of coffee.

After a quick shower that did nothing to dispel his exhaustion, Marcus headed to the kitchen for that coffee, only to stop dead in his tracks when he remembered that Beast had slept on his couch. When he looked in that direction, his heart sank to find the couch empty.

Beast had left. When? As soon as Marcus had gone to bed? “You were supposed to stay until I woke up, you inconsiderate boob.”

That wasn’t fair to say since Beast had come to his rescue, but Marcus couldn’t help his disappointment. The two might not have gotten off on the right foot, but after last night, Marcus found that he genuinely liked the guy.


After drinking half a cup of coffee, he squinted against the bright sunshine as he stepped outside. Only to remember his car was still at Club Lure.

“Fuck.” His day was starting off shitty, and he wondered how much worse it was going to get. He was a firm believer that a shitty start resulted in a bad day.

He ordered an Uber. After work he would take one to retrieve his car. He’d never left it behind before and wasn’t sure if the owner would have it towed. That would be just his luck. If Beast had still been there, Marcus could have bummed a ride, retrieved his car, and been on his way to work.
