Page 8 of Beast

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Yep, he was now cursing the guy.

When he finally arrived at work, Marcus found Mr. Blight in his office, a deep scowl on his face. “What’s the emergency?”

Mr. Blight showed Marcus a video on his phone. Someone had captured the incident from last night! Although the footage was a little dark, he made out Beast and the bouncer rescuing him in all its gruesome details.

Even the part where Max had been bent over him trying to drain him dry.

Even the part where Beast had beaten the crap out of Max before ripping out the vampire’s heart. Gross.

Even the part where the bouncer picked up Max’s body and tossed it into a trunk.

But the one part where Marcus focused the most was the look on Beast’s face when he carried Marcus out of that alley. There was no mistaking the worry and concern on the guy’s face.

“Were you a part of a murder?” Mr. Blight asked as he set his phone on his desk. “I haven’t involved the police yet because I wanted to talk to you first. Tell me this was a hoax. If it was, our company can’t be associated with it in any way.”

Marcus’s heart raced as he tried to think of an explanation that wouldn’t land him in jail or get him fired. “Where did you get that?”

“It was sent to my phone early this morning,” Mr. Blight said.

Holy shit. Marcus wasn’t sure what to say. “That’s not me, Mr. Blight. Striking similarities, but I was home last night.”

The wolves and vampires were going to shit kittens if that video got out. Marcus didn’t know a whole lot about their world, but he knew they kept their existence a secret. Could they spin it as a hoax if the public saw it?

Thank fuck no one had shifted into a wolf, because there would be no explaining that away.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Weston, but you’re on unpaid leave until I can get to the bottom of this. It was sent to my personal phone, and as much as I want to believe you, I have to investigate this.”

“But that’s not me!” Marcus’s mind was racing. He couldn’t lose his job, but he also wondered who had recorded it and why they would send it to his boss. None of that made any sense.

Unless it was another vampire who got their rocks off on destroying people’s lives.

Marcus needed to find a way to delete that video from his boss’s phone. He couldn’t risk it getting out. He had to protect the wolves.

Spotting a full cup of coffee on Mr. Blight’s desk, an idea struck him. “May I see that again?” He reached for his boss’s phone then “accidently” knocked the mug over, spilling the content all over the guy’s phone.

“You idiot!” Mr. Blight grabbed his phone, but there was no saving it. Not if the coffee dripping from it was anything to go by. Hopefully it wasn’t one of those phones that were water resistant. But Mr. Blight wasn’t the kind of guy to own the latest technology. It definitely looked like an older model.

And hopefully he didn’t store his shit on the cloud.

“I’m so sorry.” Marcus ran across the room and grabbed a box of tissue from the shelf, hurrying back to wipe up the spill.

“Just go,” Mr. Blight said between clenched teeth.

Marcus would have to find a tech savvy guy and see how hard it was to break into someone’s cloud. If Mr. Blight had one. He probably did, but Marcus prayed he didn’t know how to use it.

The guy was in his late fifties, so there was a possibility that he didn’t.

A slim chance, but Marcus had to hold out hope, right?

He left the office without another word, rushing outside, only to remember once more that he didn’t have his car. Marcus cursed up a storm then dialed Beast’s number.

“I’m kind of busy, Marcus,” Beast said when he answered.

“You really need to work on your phone etiquette,” Marcus huffed. “Come pick me up from work.”

“Do I look like a car service to you?”

“Dude, last night in the alley was recorded. Whoever did it sent the video to my boss. I think I’m fired, but more importantly, if that video gets out, your world is screwed.”
