Page 1 of Cable

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Chapter One

Cable had no idea where he was or how he’d gotten there, but as he tried to pull himself up using a table, he fell back to the floor. He couldn’t even focus on the room, everything spinning, his equilibrium out of whack.

What was the last thing he could remember? He couldn’t latch onto anything as he tried once more to get to his feet. Had someone drugged him? Kidnapped him? Whose house was he in? Shit, he needed to clear his head so he could think, but the room spun as if he were on a merry-go-round.

As Cable fumbled for what felt like an eternity, he collapsed back down against the lower cabinets. At least he was now sitting up. That was a small improvement over lying on the floor.

The room spun in and out of focus, and bile rose in his throat. He had no idea what was happening to him. Panic seized his chest as he tried to catch his breath.

The only reason he knew he was in a kitchen was because he could vaguely make out the fridge and stove…the table and chairs. They were blurry, but he could make out their shapes.

He wasn’t sure how long he’d been sitting there, but as Cable’s senses slowly returned, his nose picked up on a scent that didn’t belong. It was a mixture of earth and trees, an outdoor smell that was out of place in the kitchen. He tried to focus on the smell, but his head was still too foggy.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed through the room, and Cable’s head snapped up. He could make out a figure approaching him, but the blurriness made it impossible to discern who it was. As the figure came closer, Cable heard the sound of heavy breathing. He let his claws slide free, ready to attack whoever it was. Cable didn’t like feeling this helpless and would put a hurting on the person if they meant him harm.

Or he would try to since he was so fucked up.

“What happened to you?” The voice was deep and gruff, and Cable finally recognized it as Logan. His twin, thank God.

Cable tried to respond, but his throat was so dry that he only managed a croak. Logan disappeared for a moment, and when he returned, he had a glass of water.

“Drink this,” he said, handing the glass to Cable.

Cable drank greedily, the cool water washing away some of the fog in his mind. It also made his throat feel so much better.

“What’s going on?” he managed to say.

“One of Nelo’s men got the drop on you,” Logan said, his tone gruffer than usual.

Cable closed his eyes, trying to remember. He had been out hunting with Logan and Talon when they’d come across a vampire who’d been attacking a human not too far from a fast-food restaurant—there was a lot of irony in that—and then, as hard as he tried, couldn’t remember what happened after he’d made sure the human could escape.

“Vampire ambushed us,” Logan said as he helped Cable to his feet. “They must have heard the fight and joined in.”

“Why do I feel like this?” Cable gripped the edge of the table for balance. “Where in the hell are we?”

“You were dragged off while Talon and I fought off the other vampires.” Logan took the glass of water from Cable and made him drain the rest. “I tracked you to this house. I don’t know who it belongs to, why they left you here, or even what they drugged you with. Can you walk?”

When Cable tried to take a step, his legs buckled. “I don’t think so. I can barely focus on the room. My head is killing me, and everything is still spinning.”

“A little assist,” Logan shouted.

A blurry figure entered the room, and Cable snarled.

“Easy there,” Logan said. “It’s just Talon. We’re going to get you out of here.”

Where was here? God, Cable’s head really was killing him. He was racking his brain trying to put the pieces together, but he couldn’t recall anything beyond rescuing the redhead.

“You weigh a fucking ton,” Talon said. “Lay off the sweets.”

Cable was nothing but pure muscle. “Kiss my ass, Talon.”

“It’s a little too hairy for me,” Talon said. “Let’s get you out of here.”

“Where in the fuck are we?” Cable felt his arms being tossed over shoulders. Logan and Talon practically dragged him out of wherever he was. His feet followed along on useless legs as he was moved from the kitchen.

“Lower east side,” Logan said.

Great. He was in the shittiest part of Ridgeway. A part of the city no self-respecting person would be caught dead in. Drug dealers, gangs, prostitutes, and as much shady shit going on as a person could swallow.
