Page 13 of Cable

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“Can’t string any words together,” Sam murmured, eliciting a laugh from Cable.

“Glad I could make good on my promise. Let me rest up and we can go at it again. This time we’ll christen your kitchen table then your couch.”

Holy hell. Sam was definitely not surviving the night.

* * * *

After their second round of sex, which took place on the kitchen table, Sam pushed Cable off him and hurried to the bathroom, where he emptied his bladder. When he looked in the mirror, Sam was shocked to see how flushed he was, how his eyes sparkled.

He was also so sore that he debated on taking a hot bath. Cable hadn’t been kidding when he said they would christen the apartment. Sam wasn’t sure he could go another round.

As he washed his hands, his right palm began to burn. Sam hissed and yanked his hand back, staring at a tribal symbol with a wolf in the center. What the hell? “Cable!”

Cable came into the bathroom with a strange look on his face. He held up his hand, showing Sam the exact same symbol on his palm.

“What does it mean?” Sam asked.

“It means we need to talk.” Cable took Sam’s hand and led him to the couch, where they sat. “There’s something I didn’t tell you.” He sighed. “You know I hunt vampires.”

Sam nodded. “Is that what you do for a living I mean I know you do it at night, but is that your main source of income?”

“Yes, and I’m well compensated for it. What I didn’t tell you is that I’m not only a hunter. I’m a wolf shifter, and that’s a mating mark on your hand.”

Sam simply sat there trying to process what Cable was telling him. A wolf shifter? He swallowed and asked, “Does this mean we’re mated, like in a forever kind of thing?”

Cable looked uneasy as he gazed at Sam. “The only way a wolf shifter finds their mate is to sleep with the person. I knew it was a possibility, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that upfront, but I was so caught up in the moment, so enamored with you, that it didn’t cross my mind to explain this to you before we had sex.”

The only thing Sam heard was how enamored Cable was with him. His entire life Sam had wished for someone to love, someone who would love him back. Maybe he was a complete fool for not freaking out over this, but he was also bewitched with Cable. If that was the right word.

“I don’t… What do we do from here?”

“Get to know each other,” Cable said. “Take things slowly.”

“You’re still coming to my job so we can rub our dating in Paul’s face.” Sam smiled, unsure how to act in this moment. Joking seemed the way to go, to release the tension building inside of him. “A wolf, huh?”

Cable took Sam’s hand. “Want to see my wolf?”

Sam’s breath hitched, and then he blew out a breath. “Will it hurt me?”

“God no.” Cable ran his thumb over the back of Sam’s hand. “I know who you are in my wolf form and can even understand you. But I warn you, my wolf will want you to caress his fur and rub his belly.”

A laugh escaped Sam because this was too bizarre for words. And here he’d thought this would be a one-off. He thought for sure Cable would have sex with him, slip out during the night, and he would never see the guy again.


Sam’s mind was blown wide open, and he wasn’t sure what to think. “Okay.”

They were both still ass-naked, but in that moment, Sam didn’t care.

Cable released Sam’s hand and stood. “Don’t be frightened. I promise you that you’re safe.”

When Sam nodded, Cable’s body slightly shimmered, once again blowing Sam’s mind. Sam watched, utterly fascinated as Cable transformed from a person into a giant wolf. Its fur was an interesting mixture of black, white, and gray, glistening in the light. Its eyes, however, still held the same striking blue as Cable’s.

He leaned forward and ran his hand over the wolf’s fur, marveling in the softness. The wolf let out a low growl and flicked its tail in pleasure. Sam smiled and kept going, scratching behind the wolf’s ears.

“You’re beautiful and majestic,” Sam whispered then shook his head, still in disbelief.

The wolf lay down and then rolled over. Sam was still dumbfounded at how this could be real as he scratched the wolf's belly.
