Page 14 of Cable

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The wolf’s tail wagged back and forth on the floor.

“Glad you like that,” Sam murmured. “I don’t understand any of this. I mean, how can you be a wolf shifter?”

The wolf licked Sam hand, right where the mating mark was, before shifting back into human form. “Nobody knows our origin. Just like no one knows how vampires came to be. It’s quite a bit to take in, isn’t it?"

Sam shook his head, still not quite believing what he’d just seen.

“I’m part of a pack,” Cable went on, “and Rayne is our alpha. As my mate, you’ll get to know the other members and meet the other mates.”

“Slow down.” Sam held up his hand. “I'm not sure I’m ready for that.”

He was still trying to digest everything, and adding more might tip him over the edge.

Just then Cable’s phone rang. Sam was glad for the interruption. He was still trying to wrap his mind around all of it.

“Hey, Logan, what’s up?" Cable answered the call then nodded. “All right, I’ll be there soon.” He ended the call and turned to Sam. “I have to go, but I’ll be back soon. And then we can talk more about this. Okay?”

Sam nodded numbly, wondering what he’d just gotten himself into. He might have been looking for love, might have taken the news of being mated calmly, but reality was starting to hit him.

Cable walked to the bedroom, and when he returned, he was fully dressed. He leaned down, cupped Sam’s cheek, and kissed him. Sam melted into him, forgetting for a second that he’d just been mated to wolf.

Then Cable pulled back, running his thumb over Sam’s bottom lip. “I promise to return. Do me a favor and don’t freak out about this. Let the entire situation sink in first.”

Sam stood, wishing he had some clothes on. “First, you show up and save me from a vampire attack. Then you track me down and have coffee with me. The next thing I know we’re going to a fancy restaurant, then we have sex, and now we’re mated and you’re a wolf.” Sam blew out a breath. “Just a normal day for me.”

“You’re freaking out.”

“I’m not freaking out,” Sam replied. “I’m way past that, heading toward a straitjacket.”

“I think you’d looked great in one.”

Sam frowned. “You’re not helping matters.”

Cable moved closer, pulling Sam into an embrace. “You’ll work through this, and then it will be normal to you.”

“Nothing about this is normal, Cable.” Sam still leaned into Cable, needing an anchor in the craziness that was now his life. “But I’ll deal like I always do. Go take care of whatever you’re needed for. I’ll just sit here and contemplate life.”

Cable chuckled then started nibbling Sam’s neck. “You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for, and you’re so damn beautiful that I hate to leave. I promised to have sex with you until you couldn’t string two words together. We’ll pick up where we left off when I get back, beautiful.”

God, Sam was falling for Cable’s charm. Hook, line, and sinker. What struck him the most was how much he wanted to believe that he would get used to this. That he would accept the fact that he was mated to someone he’d just met.

He really was an idiot. Was he that desperate for love that he was willing to give this a chance?

Too late to back out now. You jumped into bed with him, and now you’re paying the consequences. You’re mated for life. Sam dropped to the couch and rubbed his temples. “Go. I need some time to myself.”

Cable kissed his temple before walking to the door. “Lock up behind me, beautiful. I’ll call you when I’m on my way back.”

In a daze, Sam got up and locked the door when Cable left. Then he sank back onto the couch, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. He couldn’t believe how much his life had changed in one day. He sat there for what felt like forever then got up and took a long shower.

The thought that he’d just mated a wolf after a whirlwind date kept circling in his head as he got dressed. It was crazy, but he couldn’t deny the fierce attraction he felt toward Cable. There was no denying the chemistry between them, and the way that Cable touched him made him feel alive in ways he never had before.

Sam walked to the kitchen, his mind still in a fog. He opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water then leaned against the counter, staring at nothing in particular. His thoughts were all jumbled up, and he couldn’t make sense of them. He took a sip of water and closed his eyes. He couldn’t let this overwhelm him. Sam needed to be rational and think this through carefully.

Then a decision struck him. He would give this a chance, as crazy as that was, and see where this mating thing took him. What the hell. He only lived once.

* * * *

“This better be damn important,” Cable said when he met Logan outside of Club Lure. “You interrupted…something.”
