Page 15 of Cable

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If anyone else had called him and demanded that he meet them, he would have shot them down. Well, not Rayne, but still. Logan hadn’t even told Cable what was so important. Cable hated leaving Sam when they’d just mated. He was uneasy that Sam would skip town while he was gone.

It had been a lot for the human to take in. Cable had wanted to be there for him as Sam waded through it all.

“It’s full dark,” Logan said. “Buddy system, remember?”

Cable’s jaw dropped. “I was inside an apartment with no plans of leaving tonight. You couldn’t have said this over the phone?”

Logan eyed him. “What’s with you? Since when do you have a problem leaving some guy’s bed? Hell, you’ve asked me in the past to call you so you’d have an excuse to bounce.”

Cable was trying his best not to rip his twin’s head off. He counted to ten then to twenty. “Did I ask you to call this time?”

“Well…no.” Logan crossed his arms, seeming genuinely confused.

“Do we have something pressing we have to take care of?” Cable ground his teeth as he watched people enter and exit the club. The night was hot, and women were dressed scantly as they walked from the parking lot or headed out the door.

All Cable could think about was getting back to Sam. He not only wanted to be there for his mate, but he was far from done rocking the man’s world.

Logan uncrossed his arms and grabbed Cable’s hand, forcing him to show his twin his palm. The mating mark had faded slightly, but there was no mistaking its presence.

Logan cursed. “Why didn’t you tell me you mated?”

“You didn’t give me a chance.” Cable yanked his hand away. “Is there something important you need me for?”

Logan studied him then nodded. “Got word that Nelo was inside. Wanted to check it out to see if it was true.” He grinned. “I gotta meet the guy who’s strapped to you. Poor shmuck. I could take your place, and he wouldn’t even know it.”

Cable knew his twin was teasing, but the thought of Logan touching Sam made his wolf snarl.

Logan chuckled. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”

“Fuck with me and I’ll make myself an only child.” Cable walked toward the entrance, nodded at the bouncer, and stepped inside. He and Logan searched the club, but Nelo was nowhere to be found.

They walked out of the back exit, looking for Nelo’s Mercedes, but the alley was empty. “I guess your intel was a bust,” Cable said.

“Not really,” a voice said behind them. “My plan worked perfectly.”

Cable and Logan whirled around and saw five vampires standing there. Cable attacked, taking one of the bloodsuckers down. Logan shifted and leaped toward another one, but as Cable turned to fight another one, he felt a pinch in his neck. All he thought as things started to fade around him was, not again.

Chapter Five

Sam had waited until midnight for Cable to return, but so far, he hadn’t. He’d even called Cable, but his call had gone straight to voicemail. Something told him that Cable was in trouble, but Sam hadn’t the faintest clue where to look for him. He didn’t even know where the guy lived.

With no other option, Sam went to bed considering he had to work in the morning. But he only tossed and turned then finally gave up on sleep and wandered to the kitchen. As he leaned against the counter, Sam felt a weird sensation in his gut, like something was wrong. He couldn’t shake the feeling, and it gnawed at him until he thought he’d go out of his mind.

Sam poured himself a glass of water and was about to take a sip when he heard a knock on his door. He frowned, glancing at his phone to see if Cable had maybe texted him and he just hadn’t heard the chime.

Cable hadn’t.

Cautiously, Sam tiptoed to the door and peeked through the peephole. His neighbor from across the hall was standing there. Chase looked haggard, his dark hair disheveled, and he yawned as he waited for Sam to come to the door.

What on earth could Chase want at this hour? Sam didn’t know the guy all that well. They said hello in passing, but that was about it. The only reason Sam even knew his name was because he’d accidentally gotten some of the guy’s mail and had to return it to him.

Whatever Chase wanted could wait until morning. After his attack, Sam was wary of answering his door after dark.

He started to tiptoe away, but Chase banged on the door. “I know you’re in there, Samuel. I just need to borrow your microwave. Mine took a shit, and I’m starving. I just want to heat up some pizza rolls and go back to sleep.”

Was the guy insane? Who wanted to borrow their neighbor’s microwave at one in the morning, especially when they didn’t know each other all that well? The guy had to be high as hell if he thought Sam would loan him his.

His heart nearly gave out when Chase jiggled his handle. Sam had two locks, but he wasn’t sure they’d hold up if Chase decided to break in. He glanced around for a weapon, hurrying to the kitchen for a paring knife. It was all he had. It was small, but he could do some damage if Chase succeeded in getting in.
