Page 17 of Cable

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Talon drove through the city streets with ease, navigating through traffic with the skill of a professional. Sam looked out the window, watching the buildings and people pass by in a blur. He still couldn’t believe what had just happened. He’d been attacked by a vampire in his own home. It was like something out of a bad horror movie.

But he wasn’t safe yet. He didn’t know where Cable was or what had happened to him. He hoped he was okay, but Sam couldn’t be sure since this paranormal world was still new to him.

Talon must have sensed his worry because he said, “We’ll find him.”

“I hope so,” Sam replied, his voice barely above a whisper. Already he missed Cable so badly, and Sam was truly worried about his mate.

“It’s what we do,” Talon said, clearly trying to ease Sam’s mind. It wasn’t working.

They drove for another ten minutes or so before the SUV pulled up in front of a large, imposing home. It was a two-story brick house, with creeping vines all along the exterior walls. There were so many windows that Sam refused to count. The front door was red, made of wood, and had what looked like a brass knocker.

The house put Sam’s apartment to shame.

He stared at it in awe. “This is your pack house?”

Talon smiled warmly at him. “It’s pretty imposing, huh?”

They got out of the SUV, and Talon led Sam up a set of concrete steps. He opened the door and gestured for Sam to go inside. Then he led Sam to an impressive living room.

“Wait here. I’ll go find Rayne.”

“Who’s Rayne?” Sam’s nerves were getting the better of him. Hadn’t he heard Cable mention that name? He couldn’t remember. Tonight was a blur to him. So many things had happened in such a short amount of time, and Sam was having a hard time keeping up.

“Our alpha,” Talon replied before disappearing down the hallway.

Oh yeah. Now Sam remembered what Cable had said to him.

He looked around the spacious living room, noticing how it had been expertly arranged with comfortable couches and a large television. The room even had a fireplace. Sam had never been in a fancy home before and was afraid of touching anything.

Footsteps drew his attention, and his lips parted as a gorgeous guy with hazel eyes and a head full of brown hair entered the room. “You must be Sam. I’m Rayne. Talon just told me what happened tonight. You’re Cable’s mate?”

The wolf shifter exuded power and authority, and Sam wasn’t sure if he should bow or not.

“Yes, I’m Sam, and Cable is my mate.” He showed Rayne his mating mark. “Cable promised to come back after he did whatever he had to do, but so far, he hasn’t come back. He got a call from someone named Logan before he left.”

“Cable’s brother,” Rayne said. “Logan was supposed to be hunting near Club Lure. I’ll send some men to check the area out. In the meantime, you might be more comfortable waiting in Cable’s bedroom. Are you hungry?”

The question only reminded Sam of how hungry Chase had been. Too bad Sam couldn’t erase that memory from his mind. He got chills just thinking about the guy. “No. Cable and I ate earlier.”

“Talon will show you to Cable’s bedroom.”

Sam still had an overwhelming urge to bow as Rayne walked out of the room. He would have to ask Cable if he should have, but that was if anyone could find him.

* * * *

Rayne was damn worried. Especially since Cable had been drugged the night before. After his phone calls to Cable’s and Logan’s phones went straight to voicemail, Rayne picked up the landline on his desk and called Kellam, the vampire who owned Club Lure. He wasn’t as hostile as the other vampires. Kellam didn’t bother anyone as long as no one fucked with his club.

The guy was neutral, and Rayne liked having eyes and ears.

“Club Lure,” Kellam said when he answered.

“It’s Rayne. I have two men missing. Have you seen the twins?”

Rayne wasn’t the only one with a finger on the pulse of the city. Kellam saw and heard a lot considering he owned one of the hottest nightclubs in Ridgeway. He also knew all of Rayne’s men.

“Saw them earlier,” Kellam said. “It looked like they were searching for someone. Then they left together through the rear exit.”

“You didn’t see anyone following them?” Had the twins found Nelo and were hot on his trail? Rayne had demanded that everyone work in pairs, and he thought that was the best solution, but if the two of them were missing, he’d sorely underestimated the vampires.
