Page 18 of Cable

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Rayne would find out what was going on, and if the twins had been drugged and kidnapped, he was going to rain hell down on whoever was responsible.

“Brazen and a few vampires left out of the rear exit shortly after the twins,” Kellam said. “Look, Rayne. I can’t keep an eye on everyone here. My main priority is to make sure the humans are safe while under my roof. I can tell you that Cable and Logan left about three hours ago. That’s all I know.”

“I’m not blaming you.” Rayne needed to keep the peace with Kellam if he expected the vampire’s help in the future. “I’m just looking for the twins.”

“No problem.” Kellam hung up, leaving Rayne frustrated. Brazen was one of Nelo’s men. He was pompous and thought he ran something, but the only thing he ran was his mouth.

If Brazen and other vampires had followed Cable and Logan out of the club, that could only mean trouble. Rayne had to find his wolves, and fast.

* * * *

Cable couldn’t believe he was back doing the same shit not even twenty-four hours later. He had no clue where he was, and he couldn’t focus on the spinning room. Nausea rolled up his throat, but this time he didn’t struggle to stand because he knew it was useless.

He thought of Sam and silently cursed. His mate was probably wondering where he was, and Cable felt guilty for leaving him in the first place.

Cable was also livid that vampires had gotten the jump on him again. He hadn’t even had time to track down the first vampire from last night. They’d been lured into a trap, and Cable and Logan had fallen for it.

Only, this time, Cable wasn’t as out of it as he’d been the night before. He was able to focus a little faster, though he still felt like his head was in a fog.

“Two hours, interesting. It’s starting to work faster, but it’s not quite there yet since you’re still alive.”

“Who’s there?” Cable didn’t recognize the voice, and he was worried about Logan. Where was his brother? Why were the vampires drugging them, and who in the fuck was in the room with him? “Why am I here?”

“Who I am isn’t important,” the voice said. Then Cable heard the man’s footsteps close to him. He lashed out with his claws but missed, catching only air. The person was a blur to him, his shadowy figure circling around Cable. “As for why you’re here, we’ll just call you my little test subject. I must say, having twins for my experiment is more than I could have asked for.”

“Logan!” Cable shoved to his hands and knees, only to be kicked in the gut. He lost his wind and fell back to the floor. The pain exploded in his gut as he rolled to a sitting position, gasping.

“Cable!” Logan shouted from somewhere close by. Cable heard the panic in Logan’s voice, subtle, but there. He needed to get to his twin to make sure Logan was okay.

“We’re trying to see how long the drug takes on shifters, considering your biological makeup. I’m striving for it killing you instantly, but of course, as you can see, there are a few bugs to work out.”

Cable gripped his temples, wishing whoever this prick was would shut up already. “Why not just outright kill us?”

The guy snorted. “You wolves are too quick on your feet. You kill too many before we can overpower you. My men need an advantage if we’re going to take over Ridgeway and rid this city of you mongrels.”

“So that’s Nelo’s plan.” Cable held his gut as he caught his breath. That kick had done some serious damage, and considering it had been a vampire to kick him, Cable was thankful his ribs hadn’t been broken.

“Let me guess.” Cable winced as he sat forward, the room becoming clearer by the minute. Wolves had to heal the old-fashioned way, but they did heal faster than humans, and whatever drug this asshole had given him was wearing off. “You’re the guy who drugged me last night.”

“You would be correct, only this time you won’t be rescued.”

It sounded as if the guy was pissed that Cable had gotten away last night. He was going to find a way to escape this time, and when he did, he was coming after this jerk. Cable was going to rip his fucking heart out.

“You have no idea who you’re messing with.” Cable was able to finally take a breath without it hurting. “Rayne will gut you when he finds you.”

“Your alpha will be a challenge.” The guy stopped in front of him. “He doesn’t really hunt anymore, not since he mated that human.”

He’d said human like the word was a disease on his tongue. Cable was fond of Felix and liked the guy. Rayne had done well when he’d mated the human, though Cable had been skeptical at first since Felix used to be Eleazar’s servant. But Felix was one of them now, and Cable would protect the guy with his life.

He would also protect Sam with his life. God, his mate must be worried as hell by now. Or he could be thinking that Cable wasn’t good at keeping his word. Cable didn’t want his mate to think that, but they didn’t really know each other, so Sam didn’t know that Cable always kept his word.

“Rayne truly is powerful, but we’ll find a way to eliminate him, too.”

“Where’s the chase and how do we cut to it?” Cable was really tired of hearing the guy talk. He didn’t like the fact that the vampires were trying to find a way to gain the upper hand. If they were armed with whatever this drug was, hunters would become vulnerable.

“Since the drug is still having the kinks worked out, the chase is you’re gonna be my prisoner until it’s perfected.”

Which meant they were going to keep giving it to him until they had it right and he was killed with a single dose. “Since when are vampires chemists?”
