Page 19 of Cable

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“We’re not. We’re trying different combinations of human drugs to see what works. You mutts have a different chemical makeup than humans, but you’re still as vulnerable as them when it comes to drugs. It just takes higher doses and the right combination.”

Cable heard the frustration in the guy’s voice.

“More and more shifters are moving into Ridgeway, and we can’t have that. We can’t have you tipping the scales in your favor.”

Was he experimenting on non-pack members? Was this asshole snatching wolves off the street to try their drugs on? The thought made Cable grind his teeth. Hunters protected humans, but they also protected their own kind. In very rare moments, they also protected vampires who weren’t a part of a coven, who were just trying to grind out a life in the city.

Not every vampire was under Eleazar’s or Nelo’s command.

Cable scrubbed at his beard as the room finally came into full focus. “I bet Nelo hates that Eleazar is still the most powerful vampire in the city.”

“Eleazar is nothing,” the vampire said with a hiss. “After we’re done with you mongrels, we’re taking down his coven. Dismantling it.”

Now that was something Cable would love to see. Eleazar had been alive for over six centuries, if rumors were to be believed, and no one lived that long by letting punks like this guy, or even cowards like Nelo, catch them with their shorts down.

Cable held no love for Eleazar, but the ancient vampire would eat these guys for breakfast and go on about his day. Just because Cable hated Eleazar didn’t mean he dismissed the guy’s power.

Only a fool would ignore their enemy’s capabilities.

Looking around the room, Cable took everything in. He couldn’t tell how many bloodsuckers were in the house, but one way or the other, he and Logan were getting out of there.

Chapter Six

Rayne gave the signal as his pack surrounded the house. The only person missing was Kieran, who was at home protecting the mates. Once the pack was in place, Rayne slowly advanced toward the one-story cottage-style home. Beast and Cyrus covered the back, while Rayne and Talon covered the front.

He was counting on the anonymous tip to pan out. Rayne had no other way of finding his pack members in the sprawling city. With limited men, it would be challenging to cover such a large area.

Maybe he should consider recruiting. They could use all the help they could get, and with the vampire population growing, the hunters were beginning to feel outnumbered.

He motioned for Talon to remain still before he eased open the front door. Rayne paused before the entrance with Talon at his back. The house reeked of vampires, making his nose twitch. It was a disgusting scent that he would never get used to.

They also had to be careful since the bloodsuckers were using drugs. Rayne didn’t want to get caught off guard and be injected, rendering him useless.

His pack was split in two. The plan was simple. While Rayne and Talon fought the vampires, Beast and Cyrus would pull the twins out. Rayne was really hoping that Brazen was inside. He wanted to kill the son of a bitch.

Quietly, Rayne stepped inside the house. Talen moved in beside him, checking the rooms on the right as Rayne checked the left. He gripped the pistol in his hands, one silver bullet in the chamber. He’d come tonight with one goal. Get Cable and Logan out and kill as many vampires as he could. If he couldn’t get them all, he’d burn this fucking house down.

When he opened the last door on the left, there was a vampire in the room guarding Logan. Instead of shooting him, Rayne used lightning speed to grab his silver dagger from its sheath strapped to his leg and embed it in the guy’s heart.

The vampire was dead before he hit the floor.

Seconds later, the bedroom window slid open. Beast climbed through and scooped up Logan, carrying him out the front door.

One down, one to go.

Rayne backed out of the room and slipped toward the back of the house. Cable’s scent reached him, and Rayne realized the guy was in the kitchen. Cable was going to be livid that he’d been drugged again, and Rayne couldn’t blame him. His pride would be hit, too, if Rayne had been caught twice in two nights.

It was possible Cable needed some time off because this shouldn’t have happened. Rayne had never known the wolf to get blindsided, let alone two times.

Talon nodded, telling Rayne without words that he had his back. Rayne heard low murmuring as he stepped into the room.

The vampire in front of Cable hissed as he backed away. Two more were there, and they moved with inhuman speed as they attacked. Talon caught one in the throat as the back door burst open, and Cyrus tackled the other.

“I really have to stop playing damsel in distress,” Cable groaned from where he was propped up against the lower cupboards, one leg stretched out in front of him, while the other was bent, his foot planted against the floor. “It’s not very becoming.”

“We’ll discuss my fee when this is over,” Rayne said. “I don’t rescue damsels for free.”

Despite the situation, Cable chuckled. He pushed to his feet, swaying as he grabbed the edge of the counter. At least this time he didn’t need to be carried out.
