Page 2 of Cable

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The vampire who’d brought him here was probably hoping someone would kill Cable for home invasion. Cable was cursing himself for not keeping his head on a swivel, for allowing the vampire to get the drop on him in the first place.

He knew better. Wolves and vampires had a very long history of hating each other. Mortal enemies, even if vampires weren’t mortal. The wolves hunted those who would do harm to humans, the innocent, and Cable was usually very good at what he did.

Tonight had proved otherwise. He was as weak as a babe while Logan and Talon loaded him into the backseat of the car. He could barely make out the white and blue shabby house as he looked at it from the curb.

But it wasn’t the vampire his brain latched onto.

It was the human who’d been attacked. Cable recalled the guy vividly. Red hair, dark, mysterious green eyes—and the total fear that had been in them. The human had been wearing a uniform, but Cable’s head throbbed when he tried to recall the company logo that had been embroidered on his shirt.

He recalled the name of the guy, though.

Samuel. It had been on a plastic nametag attached to the shirt.

“Who was that human we rescued?” he asked as Talon pulled away from the curb and merged onto the street.

“Don’t know,” Logan said. “Some stranger. Why?”

“The name of his employment.” Cable gripped his temples as the car swayed. He felt like he was going to be sick. The motion made bile rise even higher as Talon cut a corner. What in the fuck had that vampire given him?

“Apley’s,” Logan said. “A fast-food restaurant a few blocks from the house you were in.”

“The same one we fought by?” God, Cable needed to stop talking. It only made his head hurt worse. Why was he so inquisitive about the human? The redhead was a nobody. Some random guy they’d saved from a vampire attack.

“The very same,” Logan replied. “Vampire must have caught the guy just getting off of work.”

Hunting was a job they did almost every night. Ever since Nelo had taken over as coven leader, things had gotten a lot more chaotic in Ridgeway. The nights had been somewhat quieter when Fayez had been coven leader, but he’d disappeared. Nobody had a clue what happened to him. His second, Nelo, had been convinced by Eleazar, another powerful vampire, to take over Fayez’s coven.

It was evident that Nelo wasn’t doing a great job if his vampires were running wild and out of control. The coward had fled when challenged by Cable’s alpha, Rayne. No one had seen or heard from Nelo since then, but creeps like him always stayed in the shadows, waiting to strike again.

Cable was going to find out which vampire had drugged and kidnapped him, and when he did, he was putting a stake through the bastard’s heart.

Logan and Talon helped Cable into the house then poured him into bed. Thankfully his world had stopped spinning. He still felt nauseous, though. And his pounding headache hadn’t eased.

Despite his pains, Cable’s mind drifted back to Samuel. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he needed to find him. It wasn’t just the fact that they’d saved the human from a vampire. There was something else, something deeper that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

Right now, though, what Cable needed was sleep. Whether he wanted it or not, he slowly drifted off, dreaming of red hair and big, innocent green eyes.

* * * *

“And we have no idea what the vampire gave him?” Rayne asked.

Logan wished he knew, but as of now, his twin seemed like he was going to be fine. He would know if something wasn’t right, just like he’d known something wasn’t right when they were fighting those vampires. Logan hadn’t seen Cable get snatched. It was more like he felt it. Even though he was there, Logan had been battling two vampires at once and hadn’t had an eye on his brother.

They shared a bond because they were twins, and Logan had panicked when he hadn’t seen Cable after the fight had ended and they’d killed all the bloodsuckers. Or they’d thought they killed them all until they realized that Cable was missing.

“None,” Logan said. “We found him in some random house on the lower east side. I have no idea what the vampire was up to, why he left Cable there, or why he even took him in the first place.”

The only reason Logan could come up with was head games. The vampire was fucking with them by stealing Cable away. Maybe it was something deeper, but Logan didn’t have any answers.

“This bullshit with Nelo is getting out of control,” Rayne snarled. “Eleazar hasn’t been able to locate him, either. It’s like Nelo simply vanished.”

“Cockroaches don’t just disappear. They hide in the dark until they think it’s okay to come out.” What Logan wouldn’t give to squash Nelo under his boot. “I’m heading out to see if I can discover if vampires are now drugging shifters.”

There were seven in all in their pack, which included their alpha, but a lot more shifters lived in the city. They weren’t hunters, just regular wolves who simply wanted to live their lives. Just like there were regular vampires who resided there, too. Cable didn’t care about those vampires. Only the ones who attacked or killed humans. Those were the ones he and his brethren hunted.

The one thing vampires and wolves agreed on was keeping their existence a secret, but that was hard to do when you had asshole vampires who went too far. And the one who’d taken Cable had crossed a fucking line that Logan was going to make him pay for.

“Watch your back,” Rayne said. “If they’re drugging shifters now, none of us are safe. Take Talon or Cyrus with you. Until we know for sure, I don’t want anyone hunting alone.”
