Page 20 of Cable

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“You got me.” The vampire spread his arms as he smirked. “You have me quivering with fear.”

“You will be.” Rayne fired three rounds into the guy’s chest, knocking him off his feet. The vampire slumped against the wall then slid down.

“Thank you,” Cable said. “He was getting on my last nerve.”

“No problem,” Rayne replied. “Let’s not make this a habit, though it seems to be turning into one.”

Cable wobbled over to Rayne, took his gun, and unloaded it into the bloodsucker. “That’s for drugging me and making me listen to your annoying voice.” He turned to Rayne. “We need to find Logan.”

“Beast already has him.” Rayne took his gun back. “Let’s get you out of here.”

As they walked out, Rayne listened to Cable tell him what the vampire said about testing the drug combinations until they had the perfect weapon against shifters. He even suspected them of using the drugs on non-pack members.

Rayne cursed. “No one is safe until we find who’s doing this and end them.”

“Nelo’s brilliant plan,” Cable said as they walked out into the night air.

Rayne took a deep breath, hoping to rid his lungs of their foul stench.

“It might be Nelo’s plan, but I don’t think he’s the one in charge of this drug thing. He more than likely has one of his men doing the kidnapping and drugging. We need to find out who that is and stop him.”

“I need to get out of here. Can I you drop me off somewhere?” Cable asked as they reached the SUV.

“Your mate is at our house.” Rayne told Cable about Sam’s attack and how he’d run into Talon once he’d fled his apartment.

Cable’s features darkened as he bared his canines. “I’m going to kill that bastard for laying a hand on Sam.”

“Not tonight.” Rayne opened the back door. “Tonight you get some rest and recover. Tomorrow night, I’ll help you track him down and end him.”

Cable didn’t look pleased, but he slipped into the backseat without another word. Logan was next to him, his head tilted back and his eyes closed.

“You gonna make it, princess?” Rayne asked.

Logan flipped him off without opening his eyes. Rayne grinned, relieved he’d recovered them, so he let the sign of disrespect go. It wasn’t Logan challenging Rayne’s authority. It was Logan drugged and pissed off. Rayne could understand that.

“Let’s get you guys home.” Rayne closed the back door and jumped into the driver’s seat. He was about to pull away when he realized Beast wasn’t with them. Then Rayne saw through the windows that the interior had turned a bright orange.

Beast strolled toward them and jumped into the back. “We might want to get out of here before someone calls the fire department.”

It was a vacant house on a plot of land, so no other homes were close by. Rayne didn’t feel guilty about it burning down. The vampires most likely used it to bring other shifters there, so one less “safe house” for them was a win.

* * * *

His mate shot from the edge of the bed where he’d been sitting when Cable staggered into the room. Sam flung himself at Cable then pulled back when Cable nearly fell over. “Sorry, sorry. I’m just so glad you’re safe.”

Cable had never been so happy to see anyone in his life. Despite feeling weak, he yanked Sam to him and crushed the guy against his chest, thankful the vampire hadn’t killed his mate. He’d left Sam vulnerable when he’d gone to help Logan, something he would never do again. Sam was going to stick to his side from here on out.

How in the hell had he not scented a vampire in the hallway of Sam’s apartment building? For Christ’s sake, the bloodsucker lived across the hall from Sam. He’d been so caught up in taking Sam on a date that he hadn’t paid attention to anything else, and that mistake had nearly cost Sam his life. He had to be slipping.

“Are you okay?” Cable brushed his fingers through Sam’s fiery red hair, loving how soft the strands were.

His mate pulled back and looked at Cable with wide eyes. “You’re asking if I’m okay and you look like shit? I should be asking you that question.”

“Drugged and kidnapped. Just another Friday for me.” Cable eased down onto the mattress.


“No.” Cable was glad Rayne had told him to get some rest instead of going after Chase. He really did feel like shit and wasn’t sure he could have taken down the vampire in the condition he was in. “Tell me about your neighbor.”
