Page 21 of Cable

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Cable held his arm out, and Sam didn’t hesitate to come to him. He curled into Cable’s side, resting his head against Cable’s chest. Sam told him that he didn’t really know the guy, that they just said hello in passing, but when Chase discovered that a hunter had been at Sam’s apartment, all bets were off.

“Please don’t tell me you actually tried to fight him with a pig sticker.” Cable closed his eyes, amazed that Sam had gotten away. A small human—any human for that matter—going up against a vampire was a no-win situation. Sam surviving was nothing short of a miracle.

“What did you want me to do, let him kill me?” Sam asked. “I think your badass is rubbing off on me.”

Cable hoped not. He was going to have a heart attack just thinking about his mate facing off with vampires. “Leave fighting them to me.”

“If you insist.” Sam rubbed his hand on Cable’s thigh. “I’m not really cut out to wear a cape anyway.”

Now Cable was thinking about Sam completely naked, a cape around his neck. The thought made him crack up as he eased backward, taking his mate down with him.

“What’s so funny?”

He told Sam about the image that was now burned into his brain.

“You buy it, and I’ll wear it.” Sam wiggled his brows.

“It’s now at the top of my to-do list.” Cable closed his eyes. He never thought he’d pass on sex, even if Sam hadn’t said anything about having sex in that moment, but Cable honestly felt like crap.

A knock sounded on the door.

“Come in,” Cable called.

Felix stuck his head in. “Kieran is cooking up a storm. Do you guys want breakfast? I know it’s still way too early, but no one can sleep.”

“Since you can barely walk, I’ll grab a plate for us and be right back.” Sam scooted off the bed, and Cable was reluctant to let him go. “I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

He could still smell Sam’s scent on the bed. Cable turned his head and inhaled deeply. As he closed his eyes, he replayed the events from the night in his head. He had been careless, and it almost cost Sam his life. It was a mistake he couldn’t afford to make again. The thought of losing Sam made his heart clutch with fear and anxiety.

When Sam returned with two plates, Cable’s stomach growled as the delicious scent of eggs and bacon wafted to his nose. He sat up and accepted one of the plates as Marcus walked in with two glasses of orange juice.

“Coming in with the save,” Marcus said. “It’s not wine, but nobody’s perfect.”

“Thanks.” Cable took one of the glasses of orange juice and set it on his nightstand. Sam grabbed the other.

“If my services are no longer required, I need to get some food before they wolf it down.” Marcus winked. “Total pun intended.”

After Marcus left, Sam turned to him. “I was hesitant meeting your pack and the other mates, but I liked them. Everyone’s been really nice to me.”

Cable would have heads if they hadn’t been, but he knew better. Their pack might be rough around a lot of edges, but they would never intentionally hurt a mate, verbally or otherwise.

“Marcus is a hoot, but the rest are great, too.” Sam took a bite of his bacon. “I think you were right.”

“About what?” Cable ate a piece of toast in two bites.

“This is starting to feel normal. I’m still on the fence about that being good or bad.” Sam smiled, which lit up Cable’s heart. “It could be worse.”

“How so?” Cable parted his lips when his mate fed him a forkful of fluffy eggs. Kieran had outdone himself.

“You could be a vampire,” Sam said, so matter-of-factly that Cable grinned.

“True.” Cable’s grin widened as he watched Sam nibble on his toast. His mate was too good for him, too pure and innocent. Cable was glad that Sam was safe and that he was right where he belonged. As Cable looked at Sam, he couldn’t help but think about how beautiful he was, with his wide eyes and soft lips.

“You’re staring at me.”

“Can’t help being mesmerized by such perfection.”

Sam blushed and looked down at his plate, but Cable felt the heat radiating from his skin. He leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Sam’s cheek.
