Page 23 of Cable

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Cable washed himself again then cut off the water. He wrapped a towel around Sam’s waist when they stepped out then gave him a tender kiss. “I could get used to you being in my life. You’re not what I expected when I came to your job.”

Sam beamed. “I’m just full of surprises.”

Chapter Seven

Too soon night fell, and Cable wanted to hunt. He needed revenge over what those vampires had done to him, but he knew not only was Sam going to give him grief about going out there after being drugged twice but so would Rayne.

Fuck it. He would take as many pack members as possible with him in order to convince his alpha that he wasn’t backing down from this. If the vampires weren’t stopped, more shifters were at risk, including Cable and his pack members.

Rayne had told Cable on their ride back from being rescued that Brazen was behind the drugs. Cable wanted to pay the vampire a visit and shove all those drugs down the bastard’s throat before ripping out his heart.

He found his mate in the kitchen with Felix, Brooklyn, Elliot, and Marcus. Cable just stood there, a little out of sight, watching as they talked and laughed. A smile spread across his face that his mate was fitting right in. The pack had accepted Sam, and clearly, so had the other mates.

Marcus poured more wine into Sam’s glass when Sam drained it. How many glasses had he drunk so far? Sam’s cheeks were rosy, and his eyes shined a little too brightly.

Cable wasn’t sure why Brooklyn and Marcus were there since they had their own homes, but he liked seeing them get along.

“My ex was a real piece of work,” Brooklyn said before he took a sip of his wine. “Totally into himself and any woman in town he could nail.”

Sam frowned. “But wasn’t your ex-boyfriend gay?”

“That’s what I didn’t get.” Brooklyn shook his head, his eyes as sparkly as Sam’s. “How are you gay but secretly straight? That’s the total opposite, right?”

Marcus roared with laughter as he slapped the table, and Elliot was just sitting there grinning.

“I just got a guy at work who’s passive/aggressive with me,” Sam said. “Paul. What a jerk. One day he complimented my work pants, and then said he wasn’t aware they came in children sizes.”

“We could ban together and kick his ass,” Brooklyn snarled. “Just point me to where he is, and we’ll show him that messing with you isn’t healthy. You’re family now, and Paul needs to learn you’re not alone anymore.”

Goddamn. Cable’s heart swelled at their fierce protectiveness of Sam. He couldn’t have been prouder of them at that moment.

“It’s not polite to spy,” Logan said from behind him. Thankfully the mates hadn’t heard him. They were still talking trash about Paul and the things they would do to certain parts of the guy’s anatomy.

“I wasn’t spying,” Cable scoffed. “I was creatively listening without their knowledge.”

“You’ve fallen down the rabbit hole,” Logan said. “Another warrior bites the dust.” He clapped Cable on his shoulder. “Feels good to have someone to come home to, doesn’t it?”

There was some kind of catch in his twin’s voice. Logan had never talked about finding his mate, and Cable hadn’t thought about how finding Sam would affect his twin. They’d been through a lot together, including an abusive childhood, and all Cable wanted was for Logan to be happy.

“Fallen hard,” Cable admitted because he didn’t hide things from his brother. “You’ll see when you find yours.”

Logan snorted. “Not gonna happen.”

Cable turned to look at Logan, frowning. “Why do you say that?”

His brother squeezed his shoulder. “I never got the chance to congratulate you on finding Sam. He seems like a really sweet guy.”

It hadn’t gone unnoticed that Logan had changed the subject, but Cable let him.

Just then Sam walked out of the kitchen but stopped short and looked between them. “I must be drunk as hell. I’m seeing two of you.”

Cable was confused until he realized that Sam hadn’t met Logan yet. When they’d rescued Sam in the alley, his mate had been too frightened to pay attention. Then, last night, he and Logan had been drugged. Then the two of them slept it off. This was the first time Sam had seen Logan.

“You’re so drunk that one of us is wearing different clothing,” Logan said with a smirk.

Sam leaned in toward Logan, smiling up at him. “Take me to bed.”

“Okay, that’s enough.” Cable shoved Logan out of the way, baring his canines at his brother.
