Page 25 of Cable

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“I know,” Cable said, his jaw still set. “But I can’t just sit back and do nothing. For fuck’s sake, Rayne, they’re snatching innocent shifters off the street and experimenting on them. We have to stop this.”

“We’re not letting them get away with this,” Rayne said. “After I enjoy this delicious bowl of spaghetti, everyone but Talon is going to meet at the garage, and we’re going on a little trip.”

That explained why Brooklyn and Marcus were there. “What kind of trip?”

“The kind where more than one vampire dies.”

Cable smirked. He should have known that Rayne wouldn’t sit idly by while innocent men and women were being harmed. That wasn’t his style, and Cable couldn’t wait to hunt down those responsible and end them.

Chapter Eight

“Rayne and his men have been spotted in the city,” Shayde said. “They look as if they’re doing more than clubbing or their normal duties as hunters.”

Eleazar stood at the window overlooking the city, his hands clasped behind his back. So far, he hadn’t been able to locate Nelo. The vampire had seemed like the logical choice to take over Fayez’s coven when Fayez had “disappeared,” but now Eleazar saw his mistake. Just because Nelo had been Fayez’s second didn’t mean he was a good fit.

With a sigh, Eleazar turned to face Shayde. “Take a few men and follow them, but do not engage. I want to know what the wolves are up to.”

As badly as Eleazar would love to be rid of the wolves, balance had to be maintained. If the wolves were gone, the vampire population would explode, and Eleazar couldn’t have that. Not when he didn’t have complete control over them. Not when Nelo’s influence was gaining by the day. He thought that maybe he could be rid of Nelo when he’d had that meeting in the warehouse with Rayne, but that hadn’t happened.

Eleazar also thought about calling Luka again. That would end Nelo, but the vampires would become suspicious if another leader disappeared. No, the wolves had to kill Nelo. The blame had to lie with them.

“As you wish.” Shayde left the office.

Eleazar turned back toward the window, wondering when things had gotten out of control for him. First, he’d had to kill his brother for nearly exposing them, and now chaos was ensuing because Nelo was careless with his ruling.

How Eleazar wished for the past when things were simpler. Before technology. Before politics had become so complicated.

One thing was for certain. If Eleazar didn’t get this situation under control, Benicio would get wind of the chaos in their city and pay them a visit, and that was the last thing any of the vampires wanted.

Including Eleazar.

* * * *

Cable waited outside the garage with Logan, Beast, and Kieran for the rest of the pack to arrive. They were all dressed in black, ready to go on the hunt for Brazen. Finally, Rayne and Cyrus arrived, and the pack was complete.

“Okay, here’s the plan,” Rayne said. “We’ll split up into three teams with one left over. Logan and Cable, you’ll take the east side of town. Beast, Cyrus, and Talon, you’ll take the west. Kieran and I will take the center. We’ll stay connected via earpieces so if any of us finds something or gets into a jam you can’t get out of, we can let the others know or come to your rescue. Let’s go.”

With that, Cable and Logan loaded up their weapons and left to take out Brazen and his followers, this time with no mistakes. Cable wasn’t getting drugged again. He’d kill any vampire who even came close to him.

The pack split up and took off. Cable and Logan headed east, searching the darkest alleys and the busiest streets for any sign of Brazen. They’d been searching for hours when they finally caught a break on the edge of town.

They came across what looked like an old warehouse, because Ridgeway had a plethora of them from when the city was booming from textile and fabric-finishing mills, as well as stationery product manufacturing—because everything seemed to be digital now or imported.

If you asked Cable, the city needed to turn the dilapidated places into lofts, because housing was always needed, especially when the population was expanding. In his opinion, it was a missed opportunity.

For now, it seemed this particular warehouse was being used as Brazin’s base of operation. There were vampires walking the perimeter and some on the roof, while others secured the ground level. He could see lights on, which was weird since the place had been shut down for over a decade.

“I think we found what we were looking for,” Logan said.

There was no way the two of them were getting in there by themselves. He touched his earpiece to activate it. “Rayne, we found where Brazen is hiding out.” He gave the alpha their location.

“How many are we talking?” Rayne asked.

Cable did a quick count. “At least seven on the outside.”

There was no telling how many were inside the building.

“Don’t make a move until the rest of us get there,” Rayne said. “Do you understand me?”
