Page 26 of Cable

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Like Cable was going up against that many bloodsuckers with just his brother as backup. He wasn’t suicidal. “Copy that.”

The two fell back into the shadows, making sure they were downwind. Cable and Logan crouched down and watched, hoping to see Brazen to confirm he was there, but so far, he was nowhere in sight.

Even if he wasn’t there, Cable had no qualms about taking out their drug lab. He’d burn the building to the ground if he had to, which wasn’t a bad idea, but first he wanted to make sure Brazen was there. There would be no use destroying this place if Brazen could just find somewhere else to start up again.

As they waited for the others, Cable’s mind drifted to Sam. In just a short amount of time, he’d caught feelings for the human, and now his mate was everything to him. He knew he needed to keep Sam safe, even if it meant risking his life. Cable couldn’t stand the thought of losing Sam, not after waiting so long to find his mate. It wasn’t just his wolf that craved Sam’s touch but his heart as well.

He couldn’t deny that Sam was naïve, but it only made him want to protect him more. He couldn’t wait to hold him in his arms and show him the world beyond their pack. Cable could see a future with him, a future where they were happy, but that future couldn’t exist until they took care of the vampires that threatened their existence.

Sam had wormed his way into Cable’s heart, and—his twin aside—he finally had someone to fight for, someone to love, and someone… Cable frowned. Did he love Sam already? There was no denying the deep feelings he had for the human, but love?

If you’re risking your life for him, then buddy, that’s love.

Cable ginned. He guessed it was.

He looked down at his palm, at his mating mark. He was determined to wipe out every last vampire in the warehouse to stop them from threatening their way of life. To stop them from Cable’s chance at happiness with his mate.

“You really are a glutton for punishment.”

Cable whipped around to find four vampires behind them. How in the fuck had they snuck up on him and his brother? Vampires were known for their speed and quietness, but damn.

Before he had a chance to react, the vampires rendered Cable and Logan unconscious.

* * * *

Rayne and the others arrived at the warehouse, but he didn’t see the twins anywhere. With as many vampires as there were outside the building, he doubted they’d been insane enough to go in alone.

Something wasn’t right.

“I’ve picked up their scent,” Beast said as he crouched low and hurried over to Rayne. “I also smell the stench of vampires mingled in.”

The vampires had gotten the drop on the twins. This was what Rayne had been afraid of. They’d been taken before, and now their asses needed rescuing once more. Rayne was sick and tired of these bloodsuckers. The twins were capable wolves, able to handle their own, but that hadn’t been the case lately.

Not since the wolves were being drugged.

His jaw set, Rayne made a motion for them to move in silently. Beast and Kieran split off to the right. Cyrus and Rayne took the left. One by one they took the vampires down without making a sound then dragged them off into the woods where their bodies wouldn’t be discovered so quickly.

As the four of them moved deeper into the warehouse, Rayne smelled the faint scent of the twins. He followed it, careful to avoid detection. Then he heard the muffled sound of voices coming from one of the back rooms, and he knew that was where the twins were being held.

Rayne gave a signal to the others, and they spread out, ready to subdue any vampires that got in their way. Silently, they took down the few vampires guarding the room, and then Rayne kicked the door open, ready to take on whoever was inside.

The sight that greeted him made his blood run cold.

The twins were tied to chairs in the center of the room, surrounded by a group of vampires. Rayne counted at least ten of them.

“Hello, Rayne,” one of the vampires sneered. “What a pleasure to have you here.”

Unfortunately, he didn’t see Brazen anywhere. Rayne inwardly cursed considering Brazen had been their main objective. He’d been hoping the bastard was inside, but luck wasn’t on his side tonight.

Rayne growled, his wolf struggling to get free. He felt the others tense behind him, ready to attack at any moment.

“Release them,” Rayne said, his voice low and dangerous.

The smirk on the vampire’s face only grew wider, which made Rayne want to wipe it off…with his claws. “I don’t think so.”

Rayne didn’t hesitate. He lunged forward, taking the vampire by surprise. The others followed his lead, attacking the vampires with everything they had. He ripped out the smug vampire’s throat then turned to take on another one.

Beast had two, their necks wrapped in his hands, and he laughed and slammed them into a wall then moved with lightning speed as he yanked their hearts from their chests. Cyrus and Kieran were holding their own, but Rayne knew his men were being overwhelmed but the number of vampires attacking them.
