Page 29 of Cable

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Probably to stop the wildlife from getting inside of them. He’d heard of trash cans that were wildlife proof, but clearly the wolves hadn’t, or they hadn’t wanted to pay the price for those cans, so they’d gone the cheapest route, which seemed to work.

From the expensive cars he’d seen in the garage and the nice furnishings inside the house, he doubted the wolves were cheap. Maybe he would mention the cans to Cable so they could stop using bungee cords.

Sam wrestled to get one open. The cords were taut, and he nearly got a finger taken off when the cord whipped back once released. After tossing the bag inside, Sam struggled to put the cord back in place.

“You’re not one of the wolves, but you’ll make great leverage.”

Sam froze. He’d thought he was safe on the property, but his assumption had been wrong. He refused to turn around and see who was behind him, fear making his limbs stiff as his breathing became shallow.

“Don’t worry, human. Right now you’re just bait. But give me trouble and I won’t have a problem draining you.”

Sam took in a breath to scream, knowing someone would hear him even if the house was asleep, but a hand covered his mouth before he could belt out a sound. He was dragged backward, kicking and fighting, trying his best not to be hauled away.

His efforts were unsuccessful against the guy’s strength, and Sam was taken through the woods until they were on the other side, where a car waited by the side of the road. He was shoved into a trunk, and then the car began to move.

He cursed when he realized he’d left his phone on the kitchen table next to his cup of coffee. There was no way for Cable to find him now. His boss was also going to fire him for not showing up to work, but that was the least of Sam’s worries at the moment.

Sam wasn’t sure how much time passed, but the car stopped moving and the trunk was opened. It was still dark out, so he figured this guy was a vampire.

Which was a no-brainer since the guy had called him human. When he was pulled from the trunk, Sam noticed they were in an alley. The back door to the building was opened, and Sam was shoved inside.

He could hear the thrum of music. Was he in a nightclub? He couldn’t be certain. All he saw was a small hallway with three doors. The guy opened the second door on the right and shoved Sam inside.

“Think about escaping and you’ll become my coven’s next meal.” The guy slammed the door closed.

If Sam had any doubts before, the word coven cemented his belief that he was in a nest of vampires. Even if he’d wanted to defy the guy, there weren’t any windows in the room, just a bed and some other furniture.

Sam moved as far away from the bed as he could, hoping like hell that Cable woke soon to realize he was gone. Then he prayed even harder that his mate would find him.

In one piece preferably.

Although Sam was warned, he checked the door anyway. It was unlocked, so he eased it open and stuck his head out, only to slam it closed when he spotted two men looking his way. Too bad he couldn’t lock it from the inside.

“Now what?” Sam looked around. He walked over to the ancient desk that had seen better days and searched the drawers. Every single one was empty. He had to find some way out of there because he refused to be used as bait.

And if the vampires didn’t keep their word, which he doubted they would, he didn’t want to end up as their next meal. When he sat in the chair at the desk, Sam noticed how wobbly the leg was. He got up, flipped the chair over, and worked the leg until it finally became loose enough that he could free it.

Then he flipped the chair back over and shoved it under the desk so it could rest without anyone realizing one of the front legs was missing. The leg wasn’t much of a weapon, but it was better than nothing. Too bad he couldn’t sharpen it and turn it into a stake. Even if he could, Sam doubted he would have the strength to drive it into a chest.

The thought made him want to vomit.

He hid the leg under the mattress when he heard the doorknob jiggling. It opened, and in walked a guy he’d never seen before. Definitely not the same vampire who’d snatched him.

“You’re a lot smaller than I imagined,” the guy said while he looked Sam up and down. “You also reek of Cable.”

Sam’s heart nearly gave out. The person in front of him looked like pure evil. His eyes were soulless and the smirk on his face deadly. This was someone Sam wanted no part of. He even dismissed the idea of going for his weapon because he didn’t want to die at the hands of this vampire. “How do you know Cable?”

“I am Brazen.” The vampire pressed a hand to his chest. “I know Cable because I’ve unsuccessfully tried to kill him twice, and now that flea-bitten mutt has burned my base of operations to the ground.”

Sam wanted to smile because Cable had done that, but he thought smiling would only piss off this guy, so he schooled his features the best he could considering he was terrified.

“This time I’ll be ready for him.” Brazen circled Sam. “This time I have more men than those wolves can handle. I’d like to see them try and rescue you. It’ll be their fatal mistake.”

The guy’s voice was annoying Sam. Why couldn’t he have been left alone until Cable showed up? Although something smart to say was on the tip of his tongue, Sam kept his mouth shut.

“Cable has just been notified of your disappearance, so sit tight. As soon as the wolves are dead, I’ll dine on your blood, human.”

That threat made Sam tremble as he watched Brazen walk out. As soon as the door closed, Sam dropped onto the edge of the bed, his limbs shaking. He wanted to stay strong, but he was scared and alone, and he didn’t have the faintest clue how he could escape.
