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Sam retrieved the leg he’d detached from the chair. He sat back down with the crude weapon in his hands, praying like hell he made it out of this alive.

* * * *

“I once again need your services.”

Luka sighed. “If you want me to take out another vampire, my price is doubled. I don’t like having to clean up after you, Eleazar.”

“You are not cleaning up after me,” Eleazar snarled. “You know as well as I that Fayez was a threat neither of us could afford. And now Nelo is making a mess of things, but that’s not what I need you for.”

“You have my attention.”

It pained Eleazar to pay for this, but if the human was killed, a war would break out. That was something the city of Ridgeway wouldn’t survive. Eleazar had to keep the balance at all costs, even if he bared his fangs at the idea of rescuing a wolf’s mate.

“There is a human being held against his will at Ancient Ruins. Rescue him, but do not tell him who you are or who hired you.”

“I never do,” Luka said.

“I want your part in this to remain quiet. Do not be seen and get out as quickly as possible.”

“I’m still doubling my fee.”

“So be it.” Eleazar hung up.

Chapter Ten

Sam wasn’t sure how he’d been able to doze off with a building full of vampires, but he stirred awake when he heard noise outside the room. He got up and pressed his ear to the door, but all he could make out was muffled voices.

Taking a few steps back, Sam gripped the leg of the chair, unsure what to think. Too bad he couldn’t smell what was going on like the wolves could. That would have been a handy trick. He would be able to tell if the wolves had arrived or if something else was happening.

The door opened, and in walked someone Sam didn’t recognize. The guy slammed Sam against the wall by his throat. “Try to escape and I’ll snap your neck.”

He reached above Sam and opened a concealed compartment that Sam hadn’t noticed before. The guy removed rope then spun Sam around, the leg of the chair clattering to the floor as Sam’s wrists were bound in front of him.

The guy lifted Sam’s arms and attached the rope to a hook above him, leaving Sam’s feet to dangle. Sam jerked around, but his body only swung back and forth. The position made his arms ache.

The guy took a step back.

“You look good enough to eat.” The stranger smirked. “Maybe I’ll taste you before Brazen takes you as his own.”

Did he mean before Brazen killed Sam or took him as some kind of pet? Both ideas made Sam’s stomach twist into knots. He didn’t want any vampire coming near him. He already felt like he’d need a month-long shower to erase the memory of them touching him in the first place. His skin crawled, and he shivered as the guy took a step back, spun on his heel, and walked out.

Why had he been tied up? Sam wanted to know what was going on, who had made all the noise. Had the wolves arrived?

He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but the door creaked open, and in walked another stranger. The newcomer looked even scarier than Brazen. Sam wanted to back up, but since he was hanging from the ceiling, he couldn’t move.

Instead of attacking him, the stranger pulled Sam down and gently laid him on the bed. Sam rolled away. When his back hit the wall, he curled in on himself. “Do what you want, but I swear I’m going to kill you.”

The guy frowned. “I’m not going to do anything except untie you.”

“Who are you?” Sam asked. When the ropes were gone, Sam’s arms ached so badly that they felt like they were on fire. His muscles screamed in protest as Sam tried to move them.

“You must know someone in high places,” the guy said. “Right now your wolves are breaching the club, but I was sent in to make sure you weren’t harmed.”

“Again, who are you?” Sam tried to sit up, but his arms wouldn’t let him. The stranger helped him from the bed and shoved Sam behind him. “It doesn’t matter who I am. All you should be thinking about is doing exactly what I tell you, because the vampires are going to get into this room before the wolves make their way back here.”

“And you’re going to somehow get us out of here?” Sam wasn’t sure if he should trust this guy. “Why should I listen to you?”

“One, I’m a wolf. Two, I’m your only bet of making it out alive.”
