Page 31 of Cable

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With no other choice, Sam followed the guy to the door but not before grabbing the chair leg from the floor. He gripped it tightly as the stranger opened the door and led them into a deserted hallway.

Only, they didn’t head for the back door. The guy grabbed one of Sam’s painful arms and yanked him into a room across from them. Sam started to argue, but he pressed his lips together when he heard the door across from them slam open and someone curse.

“Find the human!” It was Brazen’s voice.

Sam wasn’t sure how safe they were. The vampires were going to check every room, and he would be found. Why hadn’t they fled through the back exit? Was this guy really a vampire and this was some kind of sick game for him?

Since Sam was standing behind the man, he raised the leg, ready to strike, but the guy whirled, snatched the leg from Sam, and pressed a finger to his own lips. He moved away from the door, shoved at the ornate desk by the wall, and to Sam’s surprise, a secret room appeared.

“Wait inside,” the guy whispered.

“Hell no.” Sam shook his head. “I don’t know you or trust you.”

“You don’t need to know me,” he said. “All you need to know is that I was paid a shitload of money to ensure a war wasn’t started because of you. Now get your skinny ass inside and remain quiet, or I’ll walk away with my fee and let them have you.”

Sam narrowed his eyes. “You don’t have to be a prick.”

When the stranger glared at him, Sam grabbed the leg of the chair from him and stepped inside the secret panel. As soon as it was closed, he began to panic. Darkness surrounded him, and all he heard was his own heavy breathing. He touched the wall with his palm and saw that he could open the panel, so he settled down and listened as he waited.

* * * *

Cable had searched every inch of the club, but he hadn’t found Sam. Fear and frustration moved through him. He needed to keep his head clear, but all he could focus on was the fact that his mate was somewhere close by and in danger.

“Where is he?” Cable snarled, his temper raging out of control. “I can smell him. He wasn’t taken far.”

“You keep looking while we finish cleaning this place out,” Logan said. “We got your back. Find your mate, Cable.”

There were still vampires in the nightclub, and although Cable wanted to kill them all, his main objective was to find Sam. He made his way through the club, searching for a sign of his mate. He rounded the corner and noticed a small hallway with three doors. Cable had never been inside Ancient Ruins before and had no idea of the layout.

You had to know what you were looking for even to find the hallway, though it was more like an oversized foyer. Cable wasn’t sure he wanted to know what the vampires did in these rooms, but he had to find Sam.

A strange scent lingered in the air, and Cable’s heart raced. He stepped farther into the hallway, and a familiar scent hit his nose.


He cautiously moved forward and pushed the door open on his right, only to find an empty room. But Sam’s scent was strong, so Cable followed it and stopped in front of what looked like a Victorian desk. The desk looked out of place in a modern-day nightclub. There was no way Sam was inside of it, so Cable glanced beside the piece of furniture.

There was also a scent he couldn’t put his finger on. A wolf, not a vampire. Why on earth would a wolf be in the backroom? The scent was too strong, which meant whoever it was had just been there.

Cable noticed scuff marks on the floor, as if the desk had been moved forward too many times over the years to create the marks. He wasn’t sure what he would find, but whatever lay behind the desk, Cable had to find out.

Slowly, he pulled the desk forward, and a panel opened. Someone screamed, and something wooden swung toward his head. Cable easily disarmed the person, yanking the wood free, only to look into the most beautiful green eyes he’d ever seen.


It took Sam a second to realize it was Cable. He still had a hard look in those eyes, a look that said he would fight to the death.

“Sam, it’s me.” He yanked his mate to his chest and enveloped his mate in his arms. He felt Sam shaking, and he tightened his grip. “It’s okay. You’re safe now.” He kissed his mate’s forehead. “You’re safe with me.”

Sam returned the hug tightly. “I thought I was never going to see you again.”

“You can’t get rid of me that easily.” He stroked Sam’s red hair as relief nearly buckled his knees. If it were up to Cable, he’d never let Sam go again. He’d keep his mate in his arms for the rest of forever.

“Do me a favor,” Sam said against his chest.

“Anything.” Reluctantly, Cable pulled back, though his hands stayed on Sam’s shoulders. He needed the contact, needed to touch his mate in some way to reassure himself and his wolf that Sam was truly okay. “What do you want?”

“Get me the hell out of here.”
