Page 33 of Cable

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As they made their way back to the pack house, Cable glanced over at Sam and all the love he felt for his mate swelled inside of him. Sam would always be safe with him by his side.

* * * *

Eleazar hung back in the shadows as he watched Brazen exit the rear of Ancient Ruins—a seedy nightclub that didn’t care who partied there, as long as the money was good. The place was already a shithole, but it had gotten worse since a lot of Fayez’s men had started hanging out there.

Nelo’s men. Eleazar had to remind himself of that fact. He’d wondered when he’d paid to have Fayez killed if he’d helped the situation or made matters worse. Fayez’s replacement was an overwhelming disappointment.

As soon as the door closed, Eleazar moved at inhuman speed, slamming Brazen by the neck, the concrete beneath the man cracking. “There are only two rules to live by. Keep our existence a secret and maintain balance. You tried to tip the scales. As much as I abhor the wolves, they are necessary to ensure that neither of our species grows out of control.”

“They’re mutts,” Brazen gasped as he struggled to get Eleazar’s hand from around his throat, but he was no match.

“As soon as I find Nelo, I’m going to destroy him.” Eleazar leaned forward and whispered into Brazen’s ear. “Just like I had Fayez destroyed.”

Brazen struggled even harder, but Eleazar didn’t loosen his grip. No one but Eleazar and Luka knew the truth about Fayez, and if anyone found out that he’d had a hunter kill the former coven leader, a price would come down on Eleazar’s head.

“Until then”—his lips still close to the vampire’s ear—“may you rot in hell.”

He ripped Brazen’s throat out then stood, using the handkerchief in the breast pocket of his suit jacket to wipe away the blood from around his mouth, leaving the vampire for the approaching sunlight to destroy.

* * * *

“You want me to come in for an interview?” Sam was shocked at the phone call. Thankfully Cable had bought him a new phone, and Sam had been able to transfer his old number. “Three, got it.”

He whirled around and smiled at his mate. “Haley’s Heaven wants to interview me this afternoon!”

Sam had been fired from Apley’s for another no-call, no-show. It wasn’t as if Sam could explain to Ted what happened. But to have Hayley call him was a dream come true for him. He still needed to go to Apley’s and collect the few things he’d left in his locker, but now Sam was stoked.

“Congratulations.” Cable hugged him. “Now you’ll smell like coffee beans instead of onion rings.”

Sam laughed. “A much better smell.”

They drove to Apley’s so Sam could get his things, and he groaned as soon as he saw Paul. Just once Sam would love to smack that smirk right off the guy’s face. He loathed Paul, and Sam was glad he no longer worked there.

“So sad you got fired,” Paul gave him a fake pout. “But I’m glad your uncle was able to give you a ride to get your things.”

To Sam’s shock and happiness, Cable wrapped an arm around him, pulled Sam close, and kissed him so thoroughly that Sam was dizzy by the time they broke apart.

Then Cable swatted him on the ass. “Hurry up. Can’t wait to get you back in my bed, sweetheart.”

Paul’s jaw dropped as Sam hurried by his ex-coworker. “Does he look like my uncle now?”

Sam was giddy as he went to his locker and grabbed his things. When he walked back to the dining area, he waved at Paul, who still appeared to be in shock.

“Bye, Paul, I won’t miss you!” He hopped into the car with a smile and a grateful heart.

Cable let out a chuckle as they drove off.

“Glad to see that you’re handling this whole new life much better now.”

“I am,” Sam said as he leaned into his mate. “Thanks to you.”

Cable winked at him. “Just doing my job.”

It was more than just a job, and they both knew it. Life hadn’t turned out how Sam expected it to. It was much better. He couldn’t believe how much everything had changed in less than a week. He had friends, a mate, and maybe his dream job. Sam may not know what the future held for him, but he trusted that Cable would always be there to protect and love him.

Nothing could make him happier.

* * * *
