Page 4 of Cable

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He hurried to the garage, jumped into the Bronco, and took off toward the lower east side. Apley’s wasn’t well known outside their area. It wasn’t a large chain restaurant, but there were three in Ridgeway.

Cable drove to the one closest to where they’d fought those vampires. When he stepped inside the interior of the restaurant, the place was pretty busy. People stood at the counter ordering their food or waiting in line, while others were seated in various booths and at tables. The smell of fried chicken and onion rings hit his nose, and Cable was suddenly starving.

When he spotted Samuel behind the counter, Cable got in line. As soon as Samuel locked eyes with him, the human paled, making the smattering of freckles over the guy’s nose and cheeks more pronounced. He whispered something to his coworker that Cable couldn’t make out because of the level of noise around him but watched as the guy hurried away.

He thought he would have to chase the human down, but Samuel came out of a door that clearly led to the back and moved swiftly toward him. Then Samuel just stood there, staring up at him.

“I take it you recall last night,” Cable said.

Samuel grabbed Cable’s arm and tugged him toward the exit. Cable allowed the human to drag him along until they were out in the sunshine. “I thought I dreamed that,” Samuel said. “It was real, wasn’t it?”

How did anyone think they’d dreamed an entire traumatic event? Cable didn’t think he’d ever understand humans. “When do you get off work?”

“Who are you?” Samuel asked. “What was…did that…” He looked around, as if afraid someone would overhear him. Cable was taken aback by how the sunlight illuminated Samuel’s hair, making it seem as if flames were dancing around his head. Even his green eyes seemed to sparkle like diamonds.

Cable couldn’t help but be drawn to Samuel’s stunning features, despite his instincts telling him to stay focused. “I’m Cable. And, yes, that was real,” he answered, gazing hard at Samuel as he spoke. He normally wasn’t into redheads, but damn, Samuel was downright gorgeous. “As for when you get off work...I need to ask you some questions, Samuel.”

Samuel’s expression shifted from one of fear to one of confusion. “Questions about what?” he asked, his grip on Cable’s arm loosening before his hand fell away. “I don’t know anything, and how do you know my name?”

Cable pointed to his nametag.

“Oh…that.” He cleared his throat. “Just call me Sam.”

“It’s best we don’t talk here, Sam.”

“It’s best we don’t talk at all,” Sam replied. “I have no idea what happened last night, but I don’t want to think about it anymore.”

Only, Cable wasn’t ready to let this go. Not yet. “Can we please meet up later?”

Sam bit his lower, plump lip that was made to be nibbled on. “Although I don’t want to know what happened last night, I’m dying to know what happened last night.”

“You don’t remember?”

“Oh, I remember.” Sam nodded. “Too vividly. I’m just confused about...all of it. We can meet at that quaint coffeehouse on Mayfield Avenue. Do you know the one? It has vines growing along the exterior wall and a green awning over the front window. I forget the name of it.”

Cable nodded, still transfixed by Sam’s beauty. His features were so delicate that they almost seemed feminine. His red hair fell to his neckline, curling just as the ends, begging to be caressed as the guy was kissed senseless. Cable had never been attracted to anyone this fiercely.

Which made him wonder if Sam could possibly be his mate. Since he wouldn’t know unless he slept with the guy, Cable knew this couldn’t be the end of this. He had to see Sam again and was thankful as hell that the human had agreed to meet with him.

And if Sam wasn’t his mate, Cable still wanted to get to know him better.

“Two,” Sam said. “I’ll be there at two.” He didn’t bother to say goodbye. He rushed back inside, nearly tripping over his own feet before he righted himself.

Cable grinned at the fact that he had a date with Sam.

Chapter Two

“Who was that guy?” Paul asked when Sam returned behind the counter. “Was he your uncle or another relative?”

Sam gritted his teeth. Because, of course, Cable couldn’t be a love interest. Not according to Paul and the way he always took shots at Sam, though he made the insults sound innocent enough.

“My boyfriend.” Sam took great pleasure in wiping the smirk off of Paul’s face. The guy was good-looking but one of those who took great joy in making others miserable. For some reason, he’d targeted Sam as soon as Sam started working at Apley’s.

It wasn’t as if Sam could go to his boss about any complaint, considering Paul never did anything that justified being a snitch. Like now, asking about Cable, knowing he was being a dick… How could Sam prove that?

Right now, he honestly didn’t care. He had more important things on his mind, like what had happened to him last night. Sam had been on his way home, after working the last shift and helping to close, when he’d been yanked into a dark alley. Never in his life had he been more terrified than when he felt a strong hand on his arm and he was being sucked into darkness.

That was how it felt.
