Page 6 of Cable

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“Okay.” Sam stood, grabbing his Frappuccino. He’d looked forward to ordering one all day, and he wasn’t leaving the deliciousness behind.

They stepped out onto the bustling city street, Cable holding the door for Sam. What a gentleman.

“I’ve been to Haley’s a couple of times,” Cable said. “Don’t ever remember running into you. I think I’d recall someone like you.”

“Because of my red hair?” Sam took a sip of drink to stop himself from going into a lengthy explanation as to why redheads ruled the world. It was just his personal mantra to stop the sting of rejection whenever a guy turned him down or someone made fun of his hair color.

“Beautiful shade.” Cable nodded. “You stand out, and I would have noticed if I’d seen you before last night.”

Beautiful? Tingles spread through Sam when Cable touched his lower back to help him veer around a couple of teenagers who thought they didn’t have to get out of anyone’s way. Cable’s hand lingered, and the warmth spread from Sam’s back to his whole body. He fooled himself into thinking that the guy’s hand lingered because Cable didn’t want to stop touching him.

If Cable gave any indication that he wanted to have sex, Sam would be all over that. How many chances would he have to run across a person who looked so stunning? For Sam, not many. When he was old and looked back on his life, he wanted to be able to say that he’d taken that chance and thrown caution to the wind.

“You still haven’t told me what you wanted,” Sam pointed out as they veered toward a parking lot a block away. They walked toward the back, and Cable leaned against a midnight blue Bronco. “This is your car?”

“It’s a shared car,” Cable said.

“Oh, like a company car.”

“You could say that.” Cable was very cryptic, and Sam wasn’t sure he liked that. “I live with a pack, and we share numerous cars and trucks.”

Pack? What did that even mean? Sam decided to let it go since it wasn’t important. “So, about last night.”

“Tell me what you think happened.” Cable crossed his arms after he set his cup of coffee on the hood of the Bronco. “Tell me what took place before I arrived.”

Sam wasn’t sure how much to share or if he should even tell Cable that he suspected his attacker was a vampire. He was enjoying his time with the guy and didn’t want it cut short when Cable walked away thinking he was a crackpot.

“I had to work closing last night,” Sam said then took a sip of his drink. “I was walking home when a hand gripped my upper arm and yanked me into that dark alley.”

“Where you drugged at any point?”

Sam frowned. “No. As far as I remember, the guy didn’t stick me with a needle.”

“Go on.” Cable nodded, as if Sam’s answer had been very important to him. Maybe he was drugged and that was why he thought his attacker was a vampire. It could also be why Sam had sworn he’d seen two Cables the night before. Dressed differently, but the exact same face.

“I’m not sure my mind was all there,” Sam hedged. “I could have been imagining things because I was so afraid.”

“Just tell me what you remember,” Cable encouraged. “No matter how bizarre it sounds.”

“I…” The plastic cup in Sam’s hand crinkled as he drew up the courage to say the next part. “You’re going to think I’m crazy, but I swear he bit into my neck and was trying to drink all of my blood.”

Now was the part where Cable would scoff at him, tell Sam to have a nice day, and walk away. But Cable didn’t. He stood there studying Sam with intense blue eyes that felt as if they could see right through him.

“And then you showed up,” Sam finished. “Crazy, right?”

“Not crazy at all.” Cable finally said.

Either Cable knew a lot more than he was saying or he was a loon. Right, right. Double standard, because Sam assumed Cable would think him insane, but it was always different when someone else was in on your insanity. “So you believe in vampires?”

“I believe in a lot of things people don’t.”

“Like aliens?” Was Cable one of those whackos who spotted UFOs? Sam wasn’t sure if he should be relieved or afraid that Cable believed in the unexplained. Sure, he’d wanted Cable to believe him, but…

“I can smell your fear,” Cable said when he leaned in closer.

Sam was so busy sniffing the guy that he almost missed what he’d said. All he wanted to do right now was shove his nose into Cable’s neck and drown in his scent. He also wanted to make the lie he’d told Paul a reality.

But men like Cable didn’t give men like Sam the time of day when it came to flirting or dating. “You mean you can see my fear,” Sam corrected. “It should be written all over my face since this is the craziest conversation I’ve ever had, not including the events of last night.”
