Page 7 of Cable

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“No.” Cable shook his head as he leaned an arm on the hood of the Bronco. “I can scent your fear.”

“Then you should be overdosing in it right now.” Sam backed away. “I don’t know what you are, but I’ve had enough excitement to last me for an eternity. You can’t have any of my blood, and I’m not being sacrificed, either.”

Cable cocked his head, his blue eyes shimmering under the sunlight. “I don’t want your blood, and I don’t know anything about sacrifices. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and to see if you had any questions, and if I’m being completely honest, I was kind of hoping we could go out to dinner.”

That stopped Sam in his tracks. A date? When was the last time he was out on one of those? Hmm, that would be never. He’d had sex, hookup at clubs or from other places, and once, after he’d graduated high school, he’d dated a guy for three weeks, but his love life had never been typical. Sam’s luck when it came to men truly sucked.

“On one condition,” Sam said, hoping he wasn’t pushing things because he wanted desperately to go on a real first date. It was also clear that he lacked self-preservation. But for once in his life, he wanted a guy interested in him, to treat him like he mattered.

“Name it.” Cable looked intrigued, as if he couldn’t fathom what Sam would want from him in return for a nice dinner. Maybe Sam needed to be a little more specific.

“Okay, two conditions. A nice restaurant—flowers, a car ride, and not somewhere that has plastic menus—and for you to show up at my job tomorrow and make like we’re really boyfriends.”

Sam feared he’d gone too far. What guy would agree to that when they’d just met?

Cable chuckled. “The first is a given, but can I ask why you want me to show up at your work tomorrow?”

Sam crossed his arms and huffed. “There’s this guy I work with named Paul. He’s a real jerk, and he is antagonistic, though he never does anything you can prove, and he thought we were related when you came into Apley’s earlier, because, god forbid, I could actually date a hot guy. I’ll even pay you to do it, if I have to, just to shut him up.”

“You think I’m hot?”

“You do own a mirror, right?” Sam asked, confused at how surprised Cable appeared.

“I can shut Paul up for you,” Cable nodded. “We can even start our date right now.”

Sam’s jaw dropped. “I smell like onion rings. I have to at least go home and shower first.”

“If you want the works, give me your address and I’ll show up at your front door to pick you up, handsome.”

When Cable backed Sam against the side of his car, Sam was stunned that Cable kissed him. Not a chaste kiss, either. Full contact. The kind that made his toes curl and his heart nearly give out. The kind where their tongues dueled and Sam starting moaning, forgetting they were in public.

Cable gripped Sam’s sides, pulling him in, their bodies aligned as the kiss deepened. By the time Cable pulled back, Sam’s lungs were deprived of oxygen. He panted and stared into those amazing blue eyes, and all he wanted was to kiss the guy again.

“Do you need a ride right now?” Cable used the pad of his thumb to wipe moisture from Sam’s bottom lip. Sam, feeling devilish, nipped at his finger. Cable chuckled, which made Sam smile.

“I just live around the corner. Can you pick me up in an hour? Just so you know, I’m starving.”

“But you work at a fast-food place,” Cable pointed out.

“I don’t eat that crap,” Sam replied. “I like healthy food, like salads, baked chicken, veggies, and so on. I know this great restaurant if you want to give it a try, though I do eat an occasional burger here and there.” Sam playfully tapped his own chest like a caveman. “Need meat.”

That only made Cable’s smile widen. “You pick the place and I’ll pay.”

Since Sam balled on a budget, that was perfect. He gave Cable his address and phone number. “One hour.”

“One hour,” Cable agreed.

Then he had Sam back against the Bronco, kissing him senseless. This time, Cable cupped his face, bringing Sam’s mouth impossibly closer, and he was the one moaning instead of Sam.

If Sam played his cards right, he might be able to get some wild sex out of this. Lord knew he’d been in a dry spell for so long he might as well be a virgin again. He was going to do what men in the past had done to him.

Be used for sex and then forgotten about, because there was no chance in hell Cable would stick around. Sam didn’t expect him to, but at least they could scratch each other’s itch before they parted ways.

Chapter Three

“Never seen you move so fast,” Logan said as he rested his arm against the frame of Cable’s bedroom door. “You’re showered and looking like you’re getting ready for a date.” Logan grinned. “You tracked down that redhead, didn’t you?”

He hated that his brother knew him so well. They both liked the same music, books, movies, and so on. It was as if Cable had been cloned at birth. Which he had been, considering Logan was his twin.
