Page 9 of Cable

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Cable cleared his throat. “I, um, thought you might appreciate them.”

“You have no idea how much.” Sam grabbed the flowers and inhaled their scent. “Let me put them inside. You’re welcome to come in.”

He followed Sam inside the small apartment, taking note of the cozy and personal touches that were scattered throughout the space.

“Have a seat,” Sam said, gesturing to the couch. “This will only take a second.”

Cable was unable to speak for a moment as he took in the sight before him. Sam was just so…perfect. Everything about him made Cable feel a sense of warmth and belonging that he had never experienced before.

When Sam returned, they walked out, and he watched as the guy locked both locks. Smart. In this neighborhood, even if you had meager belongings, you didn’t want them stolen. Although Sam’s apartment was nice, Cable hadn’t seen anything of high value. Still, one never knew what a junkie or even a thief would be interested in.

As they walked to the car, Cable couldn’t help but feel a sense of protectiveness toward Sam. He wanted to keep him safe and had a strong urge to wrap his arms around the human and never let go. But he resisted the temptation and instead opened the car door for Sam, leading him to the passenger seat with a hand on his lower back.

“Such a gentleman,” Sam said before he slipped into the car.

If the guy only knew about Cable’s life.

The scent of Sam’s cologne lingered in the air even after he’d closed the door, tempting Cable to lean in and kiss him right then and there. He’d save that for later because if he started kissing Sam now, they wouldn’t make it to the restaurant.

“Give me the address to this place you want to go,” Cable said when he got into the driver’s seat and started the engine.

Sam gave it to him. “I think you’re really going to like this place.”

Even if Cable didn’t, he wouldn’t complain. He just wanted to spend time with Sam and get to know him. If he was lucky, he’d score tonight, but that wasn’t the only reason Cable wanted to spend time with him.

As they drove, he couldn’t help the occasional glances he stole at Sam. The guy was beautiful, there was no denying that. But Cable found that there was more to Sam than just his looks. He seemed so innocent in a jaded world.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Cable grinned. “Italian?”

Sam shrugged. “You look like a carnivore, so I didn’t want to subject you to tofu.”

Thank fuck. He’d heard of the stuff, but Cable would rather have his nails pulled out than try it.

The place was fancy and upscale, not really Cable’s scene, but he could tell that Sam was thoroughly enjoying himself. They were shown to a table, which had a lovely view of the city, and Sam immediately started perusing the menu.

Cable chuckled at the way Sam’s face lit up as he read through the options. Such innocence and clearly easy to please.

After placing their orders, Cable decided to speak up. “So, tell me more about yourself, Sam. What do you like to do in your free time?”

Sam played with his napkin. “If you want the truth, my life is so boring that even going to work excites me.”

That was a shame. Cable wanted to change that.

“What about you?” Sam asked.

Here was the tricky part. He wasn’t sure how much to tell the guy. “Well, you already know what I do at night.”

Sam smiled. “You wear a cape and rescue people from depraved individuals.”

“A cape?” Cable nearly choked on a laugh. “Hardly.”

“Well, you’re my hero,” Sam stated. “You saved me from…well, you know, and I’m eternally grateful. You’ve even taken me on my very first date.”

Cable was glad Sam was being vague about vampires. The restaurant was crowded, and Cable didn’t want anyone getting an earful. The wolves and vampires had narrowly escaped being exposed when Nelo had paid someone to follow Beast, a pack member, and recorded Beast killing a vampire in an alley and saving his mate.

Luckily, they’d been able to destroy the footage, though Cable couldn’t say for sure that it wouldn’t resurface again. Some human named Poncho had recorded the scene, and for all Cable knew, the guy had secretly kept a copy.

Only time would tell.
