Page 27 of Player Next Door

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“I’ll share it on social media and get you a few likes,” he said with a wink.

That wink of his was so incredibly adorable, and if she allowed herself to remember him at the gym…his legs, the way his workout shirt hugged his chest and arms… No. She’d just gotten out of the worst relationship she’d ever been in. She was not ready to lust after a new guy, especially someone as hot as Grady. He was dangerous.

“I appreciate that, but you don’t have to.”

“It will be my pleasure.”

She could sense he had something to do. He was fidgeting a bit and tried to casually look at his smartwatch. “All right, well, if you’re working out again tomorrow, send me a text and I’ll be ready.” She didn’t want to sound too desperate.

“You are definitely invited to our next workout session. The guys wouldn’t have it any other way.”

* * *

Grady texted early the next morning to say that something had come up, but that she was invited to work out with him the following morning. She was a little disappointed, but Daria provided a distraction when she came over, looking to have Reese sign some paperwork and tend to other Crush business.

“You know I’m going to be nosy and ask you who the samples were for,” Daria said as Reese came out of the kitchen carrying two glasses of iced tea.

“I know I can trust you with this info, so I’ll tell you they were for Grady Radcliffe. He’s my neighbor, and he’s invited me to work out with him at Renegades’ arena. And yes, John has approved it.”

Daria’s eyes opened wide, but she quickly recovered her composure. “That’s cool, and it’s nice to get out of this place. And if I remember correctly, Grady Radcliffe is stinking hot. I hope that won’t make Jordy jealous.”

Reese handed Daria her glass of iced tea. “About Jordy… We broke up. Or, rather, I dumped him.”

A wide smile spread across Daria’s face. “That is music to my ears. I know you liked him, but I wasn’t so sure about him. He didn’t…treat you well.”

Reese could sense that Daria was being careful. “You can speak freely, Daria. I know Jordy was an asshole.”

“Good. Yes, he was a royal asshole. One of the biggest assholes I’ve ever met. When he didn’t come to see you win gold in Beijing, I wanted to beat him up with a crowbar. You’ve always been so good to him, and he couldn’t bring himself to return the favor.”

“I know. And if you recall, my mother didn’t come to see me win gold either. I seem to enjoy surrounding myself with people who don’t care about me.”

“But other people were there for you. I was there for you.”

Daria also meant Reese’s father.

“I was happy to have you there, and Cam’s family. It was nice.”

“Well, I’m glad you have a new friend. Maybe I can meet him one day?”

“I’m sure that can be arranged.”

They dove into the paperwork. It was all standard, boring stuff. Daria had already told Reese that they’d slowed or stopped production on some of their lines, and the new plus-size line was on temporary hold while retailers decided if they wanted to cut her loose or not. Reese attempted to distance herself from these thoughts. It only piled onto everything else going on.

Reese glanced down at her phone on the coffee table in front of her. It hadn’t stopped lighting up for the last few minutes. Her heart immediately sank. What could be happening now?

“I’m sorry, I don’t know why my phone is going crazy all of the sudden.”

They both looked at each other. Had Jennifer dropped more incriminating information? Since the scandal had broken, Daria had taken over monitoring all of Reese’s social media accounts, but with Daria here… Daria grabbed her own phone and checked her notifications. She began to blink rapidly, which only panicked Reese further.

“What is it?” Reese asked as Daria tapped on her phone.

“No way!”

Dread engulfed Reese. “What is it!?”

Daria turned her phone to show Reese. And there it was. A picture of Grady Radcliffe, wearing the clothes Reese had given him the day before. He’d posted the picture to his social media accounts, plugging Reese’s men’s line. And Reese couldn’t deny how fabulous he looked in the black-and-lime shorts and matching T-shirt.

“He’s blowing up our notifications. In a good way!”
